Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bubba Needs Help! (post#2 of today)

If my husband was a blogger he would be blogging this, himself! But since Charles isn’t into blogging he has given me the ’go ahead’ on airing his frustrations concerning Bubba, his young bull!

Charles is wondering if any of you old farmers out there know of anyone who makes ‘Stilts’ for short bulls…or perhaps…’ Springs’ for the hooves! ;) Any other ideas?

Plain and simple - Bubba is not ‘up to the task’ just yet ! But he deserves credit for trying!

Charles says, "He (Bubba) is up FOR it- just not up TO it !" :)

( Charles - keep repeating…”Where there’s a will, there’s a way!” ) ;)



  1. roflmbo!!!
    this reminds me when my son came home from school one day and there was a field of cows beside the playground...he said Momma there was a cow standing on top of a cow today

  2. :)

    Tammy, I'm happy you found this post funny!!

    Truth be told-I was a little reluctant to post it ( seemed a little Un-Junie like! )

    ...but Charles and I have had some fun conversations about this bull deal so I decided to share!

    LOL-I really do hope Bubba 'arises to the occasion' and Charles doesn't have to make the decision to... 'Not Keep Him!' :(


  3. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Hey Charles! I think maybe you need to take Bubba to some classes on creative writing or origami or something. Or maybe he could get into collecting milk bottles or insulators. My mom collects Beanie Cows and we are quite content not to have these kinds of issues. My biggest worry was the hamburger buns on the kitchen counter. But you know how us Beanies think now.

    June just posts the coolest things -- this about Bubba and then the pictures of the sunsets. Where else can a girl have a better time, than on the computer!!!

    Thanks, JunieBug!!!

  4. Well- Tipsy,

    Thanks for coming by and for all of your comments.
    I will be sure to pass all of your suggestions on to Charles.

    ;0 - So happy you are enjoying my blog!
    ( Hopefully your 'Mom' is too!) :)



  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Ginga, I can't believe you could put such pornografic pictures on our site!!!! I do think that Gabbo has a problem though. Hope all is ok. I'm in New Kingstown PA right now. There is no loads tonight.

  6. lol- Marc!

    I DID put a warning label on it!

    Alli didn't let that warning stop her! :)
    She thought it was funny!

    I DO hope Bubba works out!

    SO yer in PA? Is it getting cooler up north?

    Gabbo and I are planning a trip to NC next month!...Hope to see some fall color!

    Take Care,

