Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

Fly Our Flag!


It's quiet around our place today.
( Which is the norm these days! )

Charles and I went out for breakfast . It was very nice to get out for awhile, although we didn't ride the Victory!
The hot weather has kept us OFF the motorcycle for the past several weeks! Now- the month of Sept.- the LOVE BUGS will be doing their thing again!! :( But Oct. should bring some good riding days for us! I am looking forward to fall-and some cooler weather!

I got my son to make this photo of us before we left this morning!
(...someday they will be glad of this record I'm keeping of 'The Old Folks!...) ;)



So sorry to hear the sad news of Steve Irwin's death!

(He was always a favorite of all in this house! )



  1. Happy Labor Day Junie!
    Love the picture of you and your hubby!

  2. Thanks, Sue.

    Hope you and your husband are having a good day!


  3. I would vote for some cooler weather myself - worked outside a little today but it has mostly been too hot. Steve Irwin was a favorite of mine as well - sad. ec

  4. Happy Labor Day Junie...and Charles. What a really nice picture of the two of you.

    I'm so sorry about Steve Irwin's death too....he was a good person who was a wonderful father and animal lover, and conservationist. He may have made some misguided media decisions, but he had a good heart. He was so young....too sad.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. ec,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, Steve Irwin will be missed by a lot of folks! He was such fun to watch! A good family man and good person, From what I know of him!


    6:30 PM

  7. Hi Joy,

    Hope your day was a good one.

    It was quiet but pleasant here. Now my guys are watching football (My husband and son)

    Very sad, indeed, about Steve Irwin...
    I hope it was instant- that he didn't even have seconds to know what was happening...


  8. Anonymous6:07 AM

    And a pair of fine lookin' old folks too.
    It was a huge shock to hear of Steve's death certainly has made world headlines.

  9. Peter,

    Thanks for visiting! ( the old folks :) )
    Yes, Steve Irwin 's death is a great loss- for your country and for the whole world!


  10. I just love fall weather. I can see why it would be much more comfortable to ride when the weather is cooler.
    I wouldn't want to be sweating to death either!

    We had a lazy, relaxing holiday. I hope yours was every bit as restful.

    I'm so sad about Steve Irwin. I've always loved his enthusiasm and terrific smile. He will be missed by many around the world.

  11. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Yes, we had a quiet holiday here, but that's about our speed these days-in this hot weather!

    Yes-very sad about Steve Irwin. All of our family loved to watch him!


  12. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Definately very sad about the death of Steve Irwin, My heart goes out to his family. It is very hard to come to terms with the death of a loved one at such an early age. He enrich peoples lives so well by just being the "True Blue Aussie Bloke" that he was.

  13. Margaret,

    Yes, so very sad about Steve. He was loved and respected the world over.

    I know it's especially hard for you Aussies!
    A great loss!

