Friday, September 01, 2006

Music things-and sleepless in Ocala! (Post #2 of today)

This week I had a visit from 2 of my grands on 2 separate days! That's 2 good things of this week!
Here is Alli-checking out her current fave singer-Teddy Geiger- on my screen! :)

...And here is Brian, performing a new song for us!
(check out Brian's songs-see my side bar)


Last night I did some YouTube viewing. Watched some Rutles-Beatles Spoofs.

I ended the night with several early Moody Blues Vids. They remain one of my favorite groups and I enjoy seeing the vids from very early!

As enjoyable as all that was I still had one of those hateful-sleepless- nights! It was near 3:00 AM before I found sleep!

Needless to say- I am not in top form today!



  1. I have sleepless nights should look at the times on some of my posts :-O

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Missed sleep makes for a most miserable day!


  3. Hope tonight will bring you a good solid sleep!

  4. Oh, I know Junie. I've had some of those nights too. Just like Tammy said....take a look at some of the times on my posts too. That's always a give-away. Hope all goes well tonight....sleep tight!

  5. Hello June ~~ Lovely to have visits from your grandkids, both so lovely.
    Sorry you had a bad night, and hope all is well with you and you get better
    nights of sleep. We all seem to have that problem at times. Thanks for your comments, the poem about aging was nice
    and we are at a great time in our lives.
    I like Cloud's face and name !!
    Take care June, Hugs, Merle.

  6. Hi Merle,

    About that little cow, Cloud...Charles named her that because she has patches on her body that look like clouds :) She DOES have a sweet face!

    Thanks for visiting .


  7. Hi Joy,

    Well, I have always been a night person and stayed up late- just doing whatever things I was into at the time.

    When I was so heavely into doing crafts I would sometimes be up till 3-4 AM.

    ...I think I'm getting enough hours of sleep but the quality of it is not good!

    Last night I got to sleep by 1:00 and got up at 8:00 but feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck this morning!

    Oh well, gonna try to be more active today- see if that helps.


  8. Junie, that Brian of yours = wow! What a voice! I love to listen to him. He has such a sweet timbre. Is he going into music biz for real? He should. He's got real talent there. You should have him visit Bud Buckley from my sidebar. Bud lives in Fla too and is a singer/songwriter, might be able to hook them up, who knows :)

  9. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for listening to Brian's songs!
    I think he has a very sweet sound!
    My favorite of those songs he has on his website is 'Try.' He puts so much feeling into that song!...'Shallow' is arranged a bit different on his final CD (It like it better than the way it is on his website)

    This whole group of songs are very personal- several are connected with family... One is about his grandmother-who we lost 3 years ago) All have a subtle religious message.

    I'm very proud of Brian.

    He would LOVE to get into the music biz for real but it's hard- not having connections or $$$ behind you.
    He's working on getting a very limited number of this collection-ready to go!

    I'll pass on this message to him! Thanks for your interest, Carolyn!

