Friday, September 08, 2006

My back yard...

One of those days when I feel overwhelmed... So much I need to do- so little energy and inclination to do any of it!

I took a walk in my back yard to fiddle with my camera. Last time I took pics I had something screwed up! Seems to be back to normal now!
(One "+" for my day!)

The summer has taken a toll on both Charles and me...especially me -as I have not been able to keep up my garden at all this time! The weeds and vines have taken over! Sad but true!

Here's some pics of The General and Nighty! Looks like they may be lamenting the condition of Ginga's back yard this year!
(so sorry, guys!)

This is the playhouse (of bygone days) as seen today through a spider web.

...And some shots of THE WALL and probably the last Water Lily of summer...

Junie (my world today)


  1. That beautiful water lilly is enough to brighten anyone's day!
    Loved your kitty pics too..

  2. Thanks, Sue!

    That General LOVES to pose for me! :) He seems to know he's a very cool cat!


  3. That spider web one is really cool, Junie! What a great idea to take the photo from that angle!

    The General IS a very cool cat! :)

  4. Hi Skye,

    That spiderweb didn't show up as well as I hped it would- but , still, it's there!

    ...and about General- Yes! He's cool! :)


  5. I've been following Sue around most of the day. Hi Sue!!

    I know about the summer doldrums or whatever we want to call them.

    Love that picture of the spider web. Those little critters work so hard.

  6. Hi Ann,

    I love looking at spider webs, though it's hard to get a really good photo! :) I keep trying anyway!

    A friend told me to spray the web with water, in a spray bottle! It DOES make the web show better...still, you need a solid background to get it to look real good!
    Oh, well! I got time yet to get that perfect picture...and no shortage of spiders here!! :)


  7. HI Junierose.
    Firstly a return visit thank you for popping over and your nice comment.Great Photo's The spider web and the cubby, loved the General also there all nice photos was hard to pic . ill shall return to read more as i hope you do too
    take care

  8. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for stopping by and the nice comments. Hope you will find time to check out my other blogs, too. (on my side bar)...and I will visit your place again!


  9. Oh, man, Nilbo has a spider web at his place.
    At our house, we've been annoyed with one for days. It set up its webshop right over the back porch steps. I'm short enough to walk under it, but my guys are so tall they keep getting that sticky strand feel.

  10. Your world is pretty cool Junie. Wonderful photos. Amazing what beautiful things you find right in your own backyard.

  11. mrsdof,

    I LOVE looking at spider webs-LOL- but don't like walking into them!
    I have written some poems about them! :)

    Thanks for coming by and also for that link. It's a very interesting site which I have to check out better when I have more time!


  12. Hi Joy,

    Yes-I'm always amazed at all I find to take pictures of around this place! It's a wonderful world we live in! :)


  13. Oh, yeah, you had better settle in if you want to read at Nilbo's.
    I've already brought in Golden Lucy and Maria Silver Fox.
    He has a chapter by chapter love story going for the last couple months, and the Epilogue is promised any time soon! He just took a little side trip with the spider web.

  14. :) I know both of those ladies!

    Oh,my! I have a lot of catching up to do if he's to be one of my regular stops!

    So many great blogs, so little time!! :(

    I'll just have to figure this thing out!!!


  15. Anonymous9:03 PM

    These pictures are amazing ginga.
    I really really love the one of the treehouse through the spider web.

  16. Thanks, sweetie.
    I like that one too- although it didn't stand out as well as I hoped it would!

    ;) I have fun with that camera!

