Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Our life today...

This is the old folks! Not much change from last week...or was that 2 days ago, maybe?

Oh, well!

I'm just compelled to keep a picture record of our lives!
I don't know why...but I just have this feeling that there's a last time for everything...Of course we all know that...but it bothers me sometimes!

I try to capture every moment of our lives! Can't do that, but I keep trying!

There will be a last time to say 'I love you.' A last hug. A last kiss. A last smile...

...Looking back I try to pinpoint when it was that our 'Grands' stopped staying over...spending time with us! When was it that my 'Kids' stopped being kids and became middle aged?
...And when did Charles and I become old!

You'd think with as many pictures that I've taken through the years I would have captured these exact minutes of change over!

I'm watching more closely these days.



  1. I'm not looking forward to the time when our grands stop staying over! Our 13½ yr old and I had that conversation recently. I don't think that is a long ways down the road for him!!
    Time does fly by though...

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I'm not middle aged. I'm a very young 49 1/2. LOL :)

  3. LOL- So Terry- how long you expect to live? heehee

    Actually- this was a test post to see if any of my KIDS were reading my blog! :)

    Love you all,


  4. Sue,

    One thing we can be sure of is Changes in our lives!
    ....and I don't do change well!


  5. Anonymous11:53 PM

    June -- those pictures are beautiful and i don't think in the five years i have known you, that you have changed except to become more beautiful, more loving, more giving.

    I don't think of myself as old until someone reminds me that i am -- they are usually 14 when they remind me that 52 is old.

    I think the hardest thing i ever had to do was let my son go. i keep thinking he'll be back but i also know i'm going to "get old" waiting. and then before i know it that 14 year old will be on her way. and here i'll sit with my cats and my collies.

    thanks for sharing!!!

    love ya!


  6. OH, Bonnie

    I'm sorry if what I wrote made you sad about your son.
    (...but GOOD changes happen too, so things could take a good turn for you and your son )

    I just get to feeling downhearted at times and it seems to come out here!

    :) This blog takes the place of the diary I had as a teenager...everything comes out in here!

    AHHH- thanks for the compliment ...I try to be a caring person-

    Thanks for coming, Bonnie,

    Your pal always,


  7. Our grands still like to come over, but I know that the day will come that we will be too old fashioned for them - don't look forward to it though. ec

  8. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Hello June ~~ You and Charles take the best photos. I thought about you two,
    while I typed Companionship. I loved it
    and knew some of you would like it.
    Sorry you had that tiring shopping trip and misplaced the keys. Alls well that ends well. Thanks for your comments.
    Take care my friend, and think positive
    and hopefully many, many years will pass before you have to think of all those "lasts". Love, Merle.

  9. I hear you, Junie!
    I'm one of those who tries to capture every minute of life... but still it slips away! I was shocked to discover two nights ago that my son's feet are as big as mine! When did that happen??

    I try not to think about those "lasts", as they make me sad, but at the same time, it IS important to keep them in mind, so you can appreciate what you have while you have it! My son still wants to hold my hand when I walk him home from the bus stop. He is probably too old for that, but I really appreciate the fact that HE hasn't yet decided he's too old for it!

  10. Hi Skye,

    Yes, time passes very quickly- with all it's changes!

    Enjoy your kids-and each day that you're given.


  11. Hi Merle,


    Thanks for your nice comments.

    I'll try to make my blog rounds a little later. We're expecting company the rest of this week so I won't have as much time to be online.

    Hope things are well with you.


  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Not too bad for a pair of old fogies ( you probably don't use that word in the States) it's not an insult or anything.

  13. Lol- Yah- we use 'Old Fogie' here!

    I just read that to Charles and he said to tell you that it may be a term of endearment 'Down Under' but not here! haha...He was joking!!

    :) I think it fits us just fine!
    (- especially him! haha )

    (being silly again!!)

  14. You just reminded me of the book LET ME HOLD YOU LONGER by Karen Kingsbury. Even your grandchildren might be too old for a picture book, but the feeling is the same.

    My mom says she doesn't get nearly enough pictures of me and my family. When I worked at the daycare center, we teachers got a 'School Shot' every Spring and Fall, so mom got kinda spoiled often.
    Nowadays, I like to send pictures e-mail, but mom won't use the computer set up in her living room by ny nephew.
    She says she's too old to learn!
    When I tell her that I regularly read weblogs written by older persons, she finds some other excuse to leave the computer alone.
    Sigh! If she only could understand how much fun all this Internet can be!

  15. To Mrsdof,

    I am 65 and have been online for the past 6 years. I enjoy it very much-as you can probably tell! :)

    On the other hand my husband has refused from the start to have anything to do with computers.

    I've noticed that some older people seem to take a certain PRIDE in not knowing a thing about computers! And-in fact- sort of put people down who find a lot of pleasure in blogging -etc... I find that weird!

    I am no computer whiz by any stretch but I am always willing to try to learn new things.

    Computer basics can be mastered by anyone. The special things that anyone likes to do can be learned, even if you don't know how to go about doing ALL the things available on the computer!! (my opinion)

    A wonderful benefit is in being able to keep in touch with family and friends-and send pictures.

    I hope your mom will give it a try!

    Yes, even my grandkids are grown now-...Well, Alli (my one granddaughter is almost 16...and THINKS she's grown anyway)

    I'll check out that book you mentioned-:) even if I don't still have kids to read it to!

    Blogging and message boards have been good for me ...


  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I have a closet full of memory books filled with the different periods of my life, my family, and my parents.

    I too wonder when I said good by to different phases and yet looking back, I don't have a clue.

    I try to live in the moment and to be grateful for all that I have. Sometimes though, I long for the days when my children were babies or even teen-agers.

    This is a beautiful post that touched my heart and made me once again realize how much we are all alike and to celebrate that which links us.

  17. Hi Maria,

    Thanks for reading and commenting.

    Yes- looking back we see our lives in blocks ...and no way of knowing just when each phase began or ended!

    I also have noticed how we are all connected in one way or another. It's easier to see with online relationships, I think! Is it because we're more open with our feelings and thoughts? I find that true for myself.

    I had a friend (online friend) tell me recently (about my blogging) that I just put it all out there for the world to see! :) I hope that was meant in a good way! I think it was! :)

    Thanks, Maria

