Sunday, September 10, 2006

~ Remember~



  1. Oh I won't. I won't.

    btw...loved the spider poem. Good stuff.

  2. Thanks for your visit, Cliff.

    (on this very sad day!)

    and happy you liked my spider poem!


  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    This is such a sad day and the wound of 9/11 still feels raw. How long will it take to heal?

  4. ...longer than the time we have left!

  5. It's a rainy, bleak day here...seems so appropriate. I'm feeling all kinds of emotions...none of them good.

  6. trying this again, june, have not been successful being able to comment because my name is never right.

    i don't think the wounds will ever heal will they?

    but your blog site is just awesome and a real pickerupper -- give yourself mega pats on the back!


  7. Joy,

    A bright, sunny day here but it hasn't matched my mood... which has been gloomy and sad!

    I kept busy tho... had to do grocery shopping!


  8. Bonnie,

    What a nice surprise! I'm happy you stopped by! NOW....just remember what you did to get in here so it will be easy the next time! :)
    Thanks for your nice words about the blog! My aim is just to have fun-connect with people- I'm doing that quite well here!

    Blogging is different from being a part of a message board-in as it is your own and you can put anything you want out there! You connect with so many different people in so many areas....Lol- you find you have SOMETHING in common with almost everyone!...and , in time, you DO have your regular readers who keep checking in with you...And , of course, I have my regulars that I like to visit daily, too!

    I think you would like having your own blog, Bonnie! You have a lot of interesting things to say- stories about your animals! Look- you know you were probably my first online friend...(how many years ago?-at least 5!)
    So- I KNOW what I'm talking about! :) You got good things to share!

    About my blog! :) I think folks never quite know what to expect of me...what I might blog about from day to day!...Only thing that can be known for sure is that 'Junie Rose' WILL blog about SOMETHING every day!
    I have so much to say I had to open up a couple more blogs (4 in all- here on blogger- check side bar)

    I didn't know what to say about this date-9-11 but couldn't let it pass without saying something!

    You would like a lot of the folks I post with here...just follow some of the comments-click on the names!

    Hope you'll come again!



  9. Anonymous12:58 AM

    what i love about yours is the pictures and the sharing -- except for the spiders -- have to scoot on past them. i don't know if i am creative enough -- i sort of babble.

    but friday i get to see elton john in sacramento -- i am so excited -- i'm going to go out tomorrow and see if i can find a camera that will work for what i want -- something inexpensive, small enough to fit in my pocket so i won't get caught with it, something that will be able to take pictures in the dark from far away, although i was online the minute the tickets went on sale and i bought the best i could get. if i get some pictures, i will share with you -- and maybe you know what kind of camera i should be looking for. i only have tomorrow and wednesday to buy something and try it out -- i have to get all my work done thursday so i can get some sleep so i can stay awake -- hahaha -- like i could sleep through elton.

    and jack and i have sort of adopted a service man. a friend of his in missouri has a son who is over there so we started emailing him. his name is PJ. i think jack told me he is 19. we went out and bought him some CDs saturday -- he said he got some stolen after he got there and he can't find them over there -- what our servicemen and women get over there for entertainment is stuff that doesn't sell over here -- so they don't have much good music, movies, reading material or video games -- so we're going to try to find some stuff that he can share with the other kids over there -- to try to make their days and nights a little more bearable.

    anyway, this is your blog and here i've babbled just like i do in email!!!!

    love ya -- and yeah its been about five years since we first met on the koontz board March 2001 was when i first went on there -- you, me, david, michele, kelli, bob, rhonda, amanda, and probably other people whose names i've forgotten -- you are the only one i've managed to keep in contact with -- i think that's pretty cool!!!!!

    thanks again for sharing!

  10. Bonnie,

    I'm happy you find my blog fun to read (except for the spiders) You need to check back into my archives- (lol- some weird animal encounters ...)

    ...and thinking back to the 'Koontzmania days' all that was a lot of fun...especially the Castle story! One you forgot was 'BoB!'( king-Lost-Boy! )

    I know you're very excited about seeing Elton John! I hope you are able to take pictures! It would be a good way to start out your blog!! ;)...Lol- but hope you don't get caught taking pictures, though, if it's not allowed.

    As for me suggesting a camera- I don't know! I don't know much about cameras! I just get lucky and get good shots!

    ...that's good what you and Jack are doing...sending the CDs to the service men! Not surprised tho, as I've always known you to be such a caring person!


  11. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey Junie Rose -- had a wonderful shopping morning -- spent a ton of money. went to a camera store and the girl helped me buy a camera -- she is familiar with the place Elton is playing in sac -- she saw him there 15 or so years ago -- she remembers based on boyfriends and she thinks it was Boyfriend #2 -- so hopefully i will have some nice pictures to share with you. then i went to a used video game place called GameStop and bought a bunch of PS2 games and a few DVDs for our boy, PJ. the man was very nice -- helped me pick new games that weren't too expensive so i could buy more -- and he checked all the CDs/DVDs to make sure there were no scratches and because they are going to Iraq he said he would waive the 30-day guarantee period -- if they can't play these games they can send them back and he will trade them out. so hopefully i got some stuff these kids will enjoy.

    my camera is a Pentax Optio M10 -- and hopefully i can learn how to operate it!!!!

    i gotta get to work -- been away from my desk for almost three to you soon!


  12. Sounds like you had a good morning!

    Good luck with your pictures at the concert!

