Thursday, September 14, 2006

Smashed finger!

... Some folks never know when to slow down! My husband is one of those. He works much too hard in this hot weather and at his age. (71) He hauls hay every day-loose and bales- unloads it all, without help. He has a herd of 20+ cows to feed and take care of!

THIS happened a couple days ago.Something to do with the trailer hitch...causing this smashed finger! :( He will probably lose the fingernail.

He has 3 trailers which he has to switch about. Has a deal with a feed store to haul away all the hay that gets damaged somehow in transit to the store. Damaged means broken strings on some bales... bags of alfalfa cubes that sometimes get wet but are still perfectly fine for feeding cows and horses. Loose hay that happens as the hay is unloaded! It's amazing how much hay-etc-is available (un-sellable for the store)

In the past this feed store was having to PAY to get this waste hauled away! It works out fine for all concerned...except it's sooo much work for Charlie!

All his life he has been a hard worker-so I expect he will continue as he's always done as long as he can!
Here is my C. eating a bowl of my chili! :) He loves it but, as he says, doctors it up a little with some hot sauce!
I don't know why because it's PERFECT without that! :)

In the beginning...early 60's...a motorcycle policeman in SouthDade-Miami, Fl

In those early days he worked every extra job he could-running escorts-etc- to bring in extra $$$ for his young family of 3 kids-and ME!

He's taken good care of us all.

...just wish he could stop working so hard now...



  1. Oww, that finger looks so sore! It's hard to keep our hardworking guys down isn't it??
    Mine would rather work than sit and relax! Sounds like Charlie is just like that!!

  2. ahh- yes!

    Charles grew up on an Alabama farm and has never shied away from work, that's for sure!


  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    mom--you are right-dad has taken good care of us all--he is the best-and you are TOO!!

  4. Thanks, my sweet Tam! :)

    So happy to see you here at Junie's Place! (Or should I say,'Ginga's Place!)

    Hope all is well with all of you guys!


  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Hello June ~ Ouch - that finger looks sore, so I hope it is feeling better soon. Some people work all the time and seem to enjoy it. If they stop, they are unhappy but they could ease up a bit!!!
    Glad you liked the Horse joke. It is great that Charles has looked after you and the family so well. But I an sure you have done the same for him and the family. Take care, my friend, Merle.

  6. Hi Merle,

    Yes, the finger is getting better- It hasn't slowed him down any! He's usually out before I get up at around 8:00 every morning-and goes pretty hard all day!

  7. boy that chilli looks hubby has taken to putting hot sauce on his fried eggs of a mornin'...Men!!

  8. ;) I DO make good chili and it DOES NOT need anything added! lol!

