Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm sorry but those WHO concert Picture links are not working!
( from my last post!)

Not my lack of skills with linking-but a problem with the websites. (I believe)

Hopefully, it will be fixed soon!


Since I'm here - an update on my day...

Had a bad, restless, night ( Due to that Too Soft bed and a neurotic poodle , scratching at the bedroom door all night-to the point of blooded paws!...ok- she was finally let in and ended up on the bed a few times!)
So I am very tired today and with a lot I need to do!

This is Sadie...the girl who just wants to be near us all the time!

On days like today I seriously think Charles and I would be better off to scale down our life...get a smaller place! I think how nice it would be to have just a small back yard -to have a garden I could more easily manage-just a few roses I could take care of better!

This house and yard are too big and too many years of junk has accumilated- outside and inside! I just feel overwhelmed and defeated!

I need a plan to get things in order! HELP! Any suggestions?

We're expecting overnight company in a few days! I hope I can pull things together!

The cow deal is becoming WAY too much for Charles! I often wish he'd sell all of them!
And without the cows and hay to deal with daily, he could help with the home and gardening - maybe!!

(some pics of my overgrown front garden-and my attemps in getting rid of some wild stuff covering my roses, a couple days ago!)

LOL! YES!!! I'm in one of those moods!

I am gonna focus on one big task for today! If I can accomplish one thing it will be encouraging!

I think I will organize my mountain of picture decade! :) I have bought several big rubber maid containers for this!

WISH ME WELL, my blogging buddies!

(just a few of my pictures... Maybe a 10th of the total! Hey! You live 65 years you collect a lot of memories)

OH!! One positive note for today....Chas just came in and showed me that he has put a new handle in a little rake/hoe for me to use to clean out the overgrown area at our front entrance! :)

My roses will like that! :) You can see they are still trying...


( or should that be 'JunieWeed' or 'JunieWildVine?' ... lol- Junie of the Jungle, maybe!)


  1. *hoot* June of the Jungle!!!
    the key is...take off your can't see any of those things agettin on yore nerves gal!!
    take it from me!!

  2. LOL- Tammy- that's true! I'd be blind as a bat if I took my glasses off!

    OK- that will take care of my worries about my overgrown yard....but that whinny little dog would still be getting on my nerves! ( trouble is , she's used to sleeping upstairs, by my son's door. He lives with us but is away for a couple weeks!) Sadie seems so nervous at night...stays right next to me, whereever I am in the house! She's weird anyway....sort of sneaks up on her water bowl to get a drink...takes a small sip and jumps back...:) Same way with those bacon strips (doggy treats!) She acts like she thinks they are gonna attack HER-instead of her getting them! She's
    a real hoot to watch! Bless her heart!! :)


  3. Sadie sounds like a real "nervous Nellie" Maybe you should just give up and let her in instead of listening to her whine and scratch.
    When I've got a lot of jobs to do, I just try to work in small spurts. 20 minutes or so, then a break, then back. Otherwise it seems overwhelming.
    Good luck!

  4. Good luck on your project of organizing your photo albums Junie. I know it seems have SO many; but sometimes when you get started, it turns into fun....just be patient and pace yourself. I'm having the same overwhelmed feeling about cleaning out my garage...GADZOOKS it's a mess. I just haven't been able to face it. Now my son says, "We'll clean it all out in the spring Mom." Yeah, right! I also have a storage room that is in desperate need of attention...HELP JUNIE!

  5. Thanks,
    Sue and Joy, for the encouragement!


  6. I think I'm gonna go for "Junie of the Jungle"

  7. LOL- It's a name that fits well!

    Did you see those hands-and that pile of vines I pulled off my roses??

    Jungle Junie ;)

  8. My hands would look like that if I didn't wear gloves, I prefer the bare hands but it's a necessity with all the brambles I have to remove that would tear up the skin. Looked like you were doing a good job. ec

  9. ec,

    The thing about me is...I never PLAN these things- I just jump in and start doing them! ;) I have garden gloves but I was well into that fit of gardening before I thought of them!

    All those vines came off of one small area, too! That rose bush I set free from the vines was very thankful, I'm sure! :)

