Friday, October 20, 2006

Another Autumn Trip

This is one of our past trips in Autumn! It was fun! ( 1995)
On that trip we went as far as Boone, NC...not sure just how far we will go this time! But- it will be fun to get away!
LOL- I wonder if I can survive a week OFFLINE! I HOPE it won't be too hard on me! We need this getaway- Charlie and I !


Yesterday I did my hair!...( colored it) It's a job I hate-and put off as long as I can...until my hair is more silver than blonde!

This job to me is right up there with sitting down to do my bills! (my most hated task) In fact-it may take the # 1 spot!...The 45 minute wait with that goop on my hair-with no comfortable place to sit-and getting the stuff everywhere if I'm not very careful...trying to read a book to pass the drives me up the wall! Never does time move more slowly than when you're sitting with that stuff on your hair...waiting for it to do it's magic!


Last night-as normal for me these days (nights!) - I was unable to sleep! So around 1:30 or later I was playing around with the camera!

Here you see my hair color job! SEE? No more silver roots for awhile!


See you all in about a week!



  1. Juniper,
    you did a right good job with the hair...I'm the same way with the wait and the goop...agravating!!
    have you ever noticed like me that there is at least one gray hair that does not take the color??

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Well, since I'm probably a lot older than you there's a lot more gray to work with...sooo...I miss some!

    :) I became more 'blonde' as I got older so the gray would blend in better!

    LOL- Besides-I have the BLONDE personality!

  3. I guess I'm a bit odd--I buy a conditioner for gray hair which makes them stand out better.
    I figure I earned every single strand, and gray is better than the mousey brown I've had since I was pregnant with the second baby.

    You do look nice with the blonde, tho.
    And I like your bigger glasses. It seems like the newer styles are so tiny and don't work well with my bi-focals.

    Have fun on your trip! I was in Boone in 1979--I'll bet it sure has changed since then!
    ~~love and Huggs, Diane

  4. Autumn trips to the mountains are a lot of fun - hope you have a great trip. ec

  5. ec,

    Thanks. I'm sure we'll enjoy it!


  6. Junie,
    Hope you have a really wonderful trip. Your hair looks great. I haven't colored mine in years! I don't miss the mess of coloring one bit!

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Gidday JunieRose, Even I can relate to the ole' coloring the hair. A few years ago now I had a fairly long brownish ponytail and decided to get it cut real short. I then decided to go blonde (for no particular reason). A friend bleached my hair then put the blonde color in. My mother was in a nursing home at the time and she couldn't believe it was me when next I visited her. You can imagine what my fellow workers said when I went to work on Monday morning.

  8. HI JUne .
    A little colour works magic
    i get mine coloured when i visit hairdresser every 6 weeks so many greys now. Take care have a great holiday.

  9. Hair looks great June, have a great break, look forward to your return to blogging.
    Thanks for visit to my site and words of comfort. Hugs Margaret

  10. Hello June ~ Your hair looks nice and I hope you and Charles have a wonderful trip. Thanks for your comments on my blog while I had my cousin here. We had a great time and went out a lot, but I am back now with my blogging friends.
    Nice photo of you and Dan Fogelberg.
    Take care June and have a lovely break.
    Love, Merle.

  11. Junie, let me know sometime if you come I-77 into WVa! Hope your trip is great :)

  12. It sure is quiet here at Junie's blog while she's away! Anyone want to have a party?? I'll bring the chocolate eclairs!! :)

  13. No parties, huh? Oh well, it's probably for the best. I was planning to invite The WHO and Dan Fogelberg to provide the entertainment, and Junie would have been really mad if she missed out on THAT!!

  14. Hi Junie....

    I know you're still away. I just wanted to say....I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING FUN! I hope you and Charles are enjoying every minute of your getaway. See you when you get back...

  15. Hey, I wear my silver with pride--I've earned every one, lol.

  16. Hi Doug,

    :) Yes- but your silver just makes you look distinguished-while mine makes me look old! Can't have that! ( hahaha!)


  17. HI Skye,

    Oh, YES! I would have been a little mad at you if you had a party and invited my favorite guys! :)

    But I'm BAAACK NOW-with some fun things to show and tell!

    ( we had to cut our trip a little short! :( ) I probably won't get into any thing until tomorrow.


  18. Yay, Junie's back!! :) :)

  19. :) Hi Skye!

    I missed my blogging buddies !
    I'm happy to be back but it will take me awhile to get caught up on everyone- especially since I have a TON of pictures to process!

