Monday, October 02, 2006

Autumn Leaves

I have always had a yearning for fall but never have I lived in a place where I could embrace it.

I lived most of my life in South Florida and the past 18 years in N. Central Florida, which is almost as laking in fall color as South Florida.

I've always thought of the fall season as being magical...but how could I know this for sure? My autumn experiences have been just in small bits and pieces...fleeting glimpses made on a few short trips- visits to my sister and her family. They lived in Pennsylvania for about 12 years. Thus-I was able to indulge my hankering for the fall leaf-looking thing a few times!
I would try hard to hit it just right- those visits! At times I may have been a little early - OR a little late! Always, it was Grand, as far as I was concerned!
Any October day was fine!

Here's some pics from 2 of those years:

1977 -L.-ME-R.-My sister

1978 ( This year it was Mom, me and my sister- out leaf-looking)

...and on a ride in the country...a lot of color here!!

Even before my trips to Pennsylvania in the 70s I had a fascination with the fall leaves! On trips to Alabama I would collect leaves and press them between pages of books!
Today I came across these leaves in an old address/ phone book I had saved. I remember these because I got them on the trip we made to Alabama when my husband's dad died, in 1969! (pictured below)
They are very delicate but stll lovely! I'm happy I saved them!

Some Autumn poems HERE



  1. Ya got it June, too easy.

  2. Peter,

    I can't seem to pin-point any particular post! With 'October Day' I wanted to direct ppl to one post but a couple more come up before you get to that one!

    LOL- OH, WELL!

    Guess folks will just have to read my whole life story! haha


  3. Hello June ~ Some lovely photos there of Autumn colors on the trees. And I see you have the link going well now.
    Thanks for your comments, glad you liked the blonde joke etc. Take care June,
    Cheers, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle,

    Yes, thanks to your brother, I finally got the hang of links.

    Problem was before - the browser I used didn't give me all those icons I needed to do it.
    Safari works well.

    Yes-I LOVE the fall colors! These pics are all from years ago...

    We are going on a short trip this month- to NC. Hopefully will see some COLOR!


  5. Miz June,
    I think I'll just stop here and comment...I loved every one of your fall pics...I love your kitty cat son just got two kittens and I'm in love...if I didn't have to pay extra rent I might get my own...they are very comforting to set and pet!

  6. Tammy,

    Happy you're enjoying my fall pics- and my kitty pictures!

    yes- hardly anything more fun than a lap full of kittens!


  7. Hi June, I love rhe photos of the cats and kittens, very good Halloween cat I agree.
    I sometimes make sure I visit my family in Victora in Autumn as I love all the colours like yourself. Other times I go in spring to see all the Daffodils and other spring flowers that do not readily grow in Queensland. Thanks for visiting my site. Cheers Margaret.

  8. Hi Margaret,

    I also loved the spring in this place where my sister lived all those years. (Pennsylvania) I visited her only once in Spring but it was fabulous with all the daffodils and other spring flowers.

