Friday, October 27, 2006

My travels with Charlie- North Carolina- Oct, 2006 (Part Two)

Monday morning we left our folks and headed toward Ashville! I would have to ask Charlie which road we were on (and he's not handy , at the moment) I only know it was a fantastic view on all sides-all the way! Non-stop mountains-and non-stop color! So much beauty it just boggled the mind...sooo much to see my poor little head could not process it all!

Ashville is a big city and we didn't spend a lot of time there...just needed to consult the map and refresh ourselves a bit! The temp had dropped and this was such a welcomed change for us-after our long and hot Florida summer! Pure bliss-this little nip in the air!

We have a fondness for a little town about 15 miles or so N. of Ashville, and that would be our next stop! This little town is called Mars Hill.

Once upon a time- more than 20 years ago- we briefly considered buying a house there! We were enchanted with the area and were thinking of making a change... We even talked seriously with a real Estate Agent and looked at a house there in Mars Hill... It was Autumn (of course) and we were sooo taken with the area! ...But by the time we had made the trip back home we had decided to build the house that we are in now , here in Ocala, Fl!

Best decision I'm sure! :) Because I like to take TRIPS to see the leaves!

:) I do WANDER sometimes...Anyway- here's some pics of Mars Hill! It was just perfect! (tho we didn't hang around long - we had lots more stuff to see!)

After leaving Mars Hill Charles found this junk shop! Yes! Just what he loves! And found just what he was looking for - a pair of handles for an old plow he has!

...stay tuned for Part Three...



  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Hello June ~ Lovely to have you back with us. Your trip was wonderful, by the description and photos. I am so glad you had a break and enjoyed it so much.
    The Fall colors are beautiful. We have some lovely ones where I live too. Nice for you to catch up with your sister and her husband too. Thanks for your comments. Glad you enjoyed the Texan joke. Take care my friend, Love, erle.

  2. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by and looking at my pictures.

    The fall colors were great in NC. We don't get that here in central Florida, so it was a real treat.

    Happy you had a nice visit with your cousin last week-and hope things are going well for you today.


  3. OH THESE PICTURES!!!!! So gorgeous Junie. How could you even manage to come home? You did a great job of taking them....I feel like I could reach out and touch those leaves. Thank you so much.

  4. Joy,

    I'm so glad you are enjoying my pictures!

    It really was just a Grand experience-the whole trip!

