Monday, October 16, 2006

Shopping against my will...

Today I HAD to shop- just had getting around it! (lol- I was completely out of coffee creamer-and doggie treats! ;)
Never mind that I felt like heck!

I was awakened in the night with severe cramps in the calves of my legs! Seemed to just go on and on! This has happened several times recently! ( and leaves my legs sore the next day) I think there's something going on with me- some imbalance! LOL- No jokes here! I'm not UN-balanced!! Just some little thing seems to be out of whack! Maybe low potassium- or low calcium... Need to see my doc soon!

A few years ago I had a severe attack of Neuropathy which put me out for more than 3 months- No kidding! I slept in a recliner for all that time- was barely able to walk! And I got very depressed and had to depend on strong pain meds for a while!...I don't want to go through that again! (anything unusual brings all this to mind!)

Anyway, to make my outing more pleasant I took along this CD to play on the way there and back! As I May have mentioned before-Dan Fogelberg is just the greatest! IMHO. I don't think I will ever change my mind about that! I played this a couple nights ago and enjoyed it so much I decided to do it again today! (Bring back the magic!)

I went to shop for some clothes for the trip we have planned ! Yep, we're going to drive up and see some fall color...Stay a couple nights with my sister and Bro-in Law-then drive further up into the mountains of N.C.! We will be gone from The 22-thru-28th. or 29th. Hope to see The Blue Angels Air show in Jacksonville, Fl on the 27th!

Anyway-back to the shopping...There's nothing that shows a lady better and quicker that she needs to lose wt. than trying on new clothes!!

...At home we just seem to get used to looking at ourselves...and if something fits a little tighter-we reach for another garment! ( Yes- don't we all have a variety of sizes hanging in that closet???) :)...well...I know this isn't the way it is with ALL of you!...but I must confess- since my 30s I've found it hard to keep my wt. where I want it!

LOL! I want to look-and feel- the way I did in my 20s!

I managed to find 3 Pairs of jeans- and 3 shirts! :) Not saying what size- but by Christmas I plan to have them just HANGING on me! I'm serious!!....cutting the carbs-and starting to walk!

;) Here's a cute little Halloween shirt I bought!...Oh! And also bought a nifty new pair of Nikes! *Nifty New Nikes*

Cool Halloween shirt! Can't wait to wear it!




  1. I sure like your musical tastes.

  2. Doug,

    Happy to know you like Dan Fogelberg! He's been my favorite for a LONG time!
    I've seen him several times in concerts- from Miami to Atlanta, Ga!

    Do you know he's fighting a battle against cancer? It's been a couple years now. :( Very sad. I have not heard any recent news!


  3. That's an album not yet on my shelf. And just today I went looking at Beth Nielsen Chapman and see two of hers to covet. Money Money Money--maybe it'll rain from the sky like colorful leaves, eh?
    Do you have Dan's _High Country Snows_? I was listening to it yesterday. There's a song about losing a lover in the early part of Autumn that I simply must play during this season.

    Ah, clothes and sizes and style. Nuff sedd. although that kittycat shirt is nice.

  4. Hi,

    Well, another DanFan! That makes me happy! :)
    I have been suspected in the past of being on Dan's payroll because I've promoted his music so often to my friends-and to all who would listen!

    Yes, I do have 'High Country Snow'but only on LP. I wish I had it on a CD-in fact, was looking on Ebay tonight and ALMOST went for it but resisted! I think I'll play that LP tomorrow. I like that song you're remembering. I think it's 'Go Down Easy'

    Dan Fogelberg amazes me with how well he does ANY type of song he chooses- He has a wide range. 'High Country Snow'(the album) is as good as any country artist could do! Even my husband liked it- and he likes NOTHING but country and BlueGrass!

    lol-SEE...There I go praising Dan!


  5. I LOVE shopping but I LOATHE trying on clothes...I swear they make the sizes smaller and smaller!! hehe Oooh I just love the shirt you bought...the black cat looks gorgeous on that red (or is it orange?) background! I often get cramping in my legs, especially when I'm overtired...I heard it was a lack of something or other. Can be a real pain at times:-( Make sure you model that shirt for us!! Take care!

  6. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for coming by.

    LOL-Yes...I think the fault lies with the makers of clothes...
    (making those sizes smaller and smaller! haha)

    I'll probably get a picture of myself in my kitty shirt on our trip! The cat is covered in sequins-on a deep orange shirt!

    See you later,


  7. Hi June, we have a problem in Queensland, the high humidity shrinks clothes while they are hanging in closets... True... I think.

  8. Hi june
    I went away on holidays when I come home my clothes had shrunk.Any way thats my excuse to go shopping for a couple new outfits. Take care

  9. Hi Peter,

    ;) that sounds reasonable!


  10. Jeanette,

    Maybe you have a grimlin in your closet, playing jokes on you! haha

    ;) I like to get new outfits....but I HATE having to go to bigger sizes...

    Oh, well!
    I'm working on it!!


  11. Love your kitty shirt. Looks very festive!
    Now for the leg cramping: Don't laugh as this really works:
    Take a bar of soap, unwrapped and put it at the foot of your bed between the top and bottom sheet. It truly helps leg cramps at night. (I read this in our local Dr. column and laughed till I tried it!)

  12. Hi Sue,

    That bar of soap sounds kinda weird but can't hurt to try. :) I never heard of this-and I wonder what's the logic behind it.

