Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Doctor's visit

This afternoon I have to go in for the results of a bone scan test I had done before we went on our trip!

If he starts telling me about my 'brittle bones' I will have to set him straight! I'll say, "Does this look like an arm that would easily break?" "Does this hand look frail?" "And what of the hip and rib cage?"

Nothing broken in that fall!!

LOL- here are some of my bruises after 8 days!

(this is my upper right arm. This bruise is about 6" long)

( my right hand)

~~Be back later~~


I'm back from my doctor appointment-and with really good news! I had improved a lot since last year! (...a reversal of the bone loss that was so evident last year and before.) Sooo- modern meds DO sometimes work very well for us; even to build back bone density we have lost!

Well -sure- if my bones weren't strong I'd have a broken arm right now!!

Now- if I can only get myself motivated to start walking I will be ok!

SO-the day ends on a happy note!

(Speaking of ending on a happy note - I haven't decided what my music will be for tonight...)



  1. Goodness gracious Junie! I must've missed something. What happened? HOpe you're ok!

  2. Carolyn,

    I'm fine!

    You missed my whole vacation...especially the part about the fall! :)

    I won't tell you . It will be more fun to read it!

    Scroll down to Water Wheel!


  3. WOOOOA ~ That doesn't look good! Sorry to hear about that! ~ jb///

  4. Hi jb,

    It looks a lot worse than it is. Not at all sore at this point!

    What a dumb accident! :)

    But I got lots of pretty 'FALL' pictures!


  5. Good news about the bone density test!
    Those bruises look bad, but if they don't hurt, then they should heal quickly..

  6. Hi Sue,

    Yes- the bruises are ok- and I'm sooo relieved about that bone scan test! I'll keep taking calcium and Actonel, as it seems to be helping me!


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. So glad for you that the bone density is improving. They tell me that the walking does help. ec

  9. GREAT news from the tests! I'm glad to hear it.
    Man those are some nasty looking buises. I hope they don't feel as bad as they look.

  10. Oh I forgot to mention I love the carved pumpkins below. Looks like you've got the knack for decorating. Looks good.

  11. Hi June ~ I am so glad that your bone test was OK. It is always a worry until
    you hear the good news. I have osteoporosis and take Fosamx calcium so
    I hope my bones are doing as well as yours. Thanks for your comments, glad you liked The Blest. We all are blest
    most of the time. Take care, Love, Merle

  12. Hey Junie...are you trying to match the color of those beautiful fall leaves you took pictures of? Those are some pretty colorful bruises. Do they hurt? Sometimes I'll just come up with a little bruise, and I'll have no idea where it came from. Seems like I bruise easier these days. So glad you had a good report from the Doc.
    Take care sweet friend...

  13. Hi Joy,

    Yes , they are colorful and NO they don't hurt at all. They did hurt the first few days, tho.

    Yes, I was very surprised and pleased with the report from the bone scan test... so I will continue with the meds and calcium-and TRY to walk more!


    And have a good day.


  14. ec,

    Thanks for your post.

    I was surprised and very pleased with such a good report-
    because I don't walk or exercise enough. (keep saying I'm gonna but never do it!)

    Take care,


  15. Dear Merle,

    Thanks so much for visiting and your nice words here.

    I was told a couple years ago I was in danger of developing
    osteoporosis so was started on treatments to combat it.
    Seems to be working well.

    Yes we are blest in so many ways!


  16. Hello Cliff,

    Nah- the bruises don't hurt at all now- they just still look ugly!

    Yes, it was good the hear that report at the Doctor's office.

    Lol- it's a constant fight keeping things in good shape as we get older! We just have to give it our best shot!

    "My pumpkins' - those were carved very quickly , after dinner time on Halloween night! Just couldn't let the day go by without doing it even tho it was just for my own enjoymrnt! (I sure miss having my grandkids still around ! :( are lucky to still have yours young!! )

