Sunday, November 05, 2006

Here's where we're going...

Today was good day to ride and Charlie said,"Here's where we're going, Mama!"

He had been told of a Victory Motorcycle gathering (picnic) in Howey-in-the-Hills. This is a small town, 60 miles or so, south of us! We had never been there but knew the area.

Here we are getting ready to go.

Now - I bet you're expecting me to have some neat pictures of VICTORY motorcycles!
Well- sorry! We found the town but not the gathering of motorcycles!

But it was a good ride anyway. The weather was fine, though still windy!

Some scenes we saw on the ride:

No matter how hard I try to prevent it, my
hair, ALWAYS, becomes tied in knots when we take long rides!
Today was no different! It WAS quite windy!

Running against the wind...

This is a shot of the Ocala National Forest- on our way home.

Another good day!




  1. Hi June ~ Glad you and Charles had a great ride. You always manage to get some nice photos. Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. HI june Nice photo's looks like your enjoying the ride with the wind in your hair. Take care

  3. Hi Merle,

    Yes, it was a good day for a ride-but a little windy.

    However, after 2 days in a row we'll probably let it rest for awhile!

    I love taking pictures! (have you noticed? haha I got those of myself as we were riding to add to my story of the windy ride!

    Hope you're doing ok today.

    Take care,


  4. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for coming by and looking at my pics.

    We enjoy riding. I'm very thankful we can do that at this point in our lives.


  5. I notice that, with the approach of the Christmas season, 'Santa' can't help but grow out his beard again! ;)

    Glad you had a nice ride... sorry you didn't make it to the motorcycle party, though!

  6. Hi Skye,

    You're the first to comment on Chas. growing his beard back! :) I didn't even nag him to do it, either! It should be looking good by Christmas!

    Yes, we did have a good ride- both week-end days, actually.

    Hope things are well in your world today.

    I will visit your site soon.

