Tuesday, November 07, 2006

In my life...Nov 7 '06

Today -


Yesterday I went down with Charlie when he went to put hay out for the cows. I hadn't seen the 2 new babies that were born in October! ...I'm getting lax -as I haven't even named these two. Since they are both bulls they will be sold soon, anyway!
They are cute little guys-aren't they?

~~~I just thought of perfect names for them-inspired by my recent renewed interest in the Everly Brothers! I'll call them ' Don & Phil. '~~~

Here comes their favorite guy!

And here they are, digging in! Janet has no problem getting her share, with those horns of her's!

This is Frances! She was born in Sept. 2004-and named for Hurricane Frances; one of 4 hurricanes that swept through our state that year!
Charles is saying Frances is heading for the cattle auction soon! You see, Frances hasn't given us a calf yet and shows no interest in doing so! (should have by now!)

Poor girl! I told Charles maybe it's just that she hasn't found the right guy yet!!

(...Lol- I make a lousy farmer's wife, don't I?)

Frances is a pretty little cow! Nice horns, girl!

Speaking of Bulls... this is Big John! (Charles recently bought him from an old friend of ours named-JOHN!) 'Big John' looks and acts like he might work out on this little farm! He mingles with the herd- is not intimidated by anyone- not even Janet! (of the big horns!)

...Then there's Bubba...Charles says this is the most depressed and unhappy animal he has ever seen! He's miserable with the herd but he's not happy on his own either, in the small pasture! Seemingly, his one pleasure -besides eating- is having Charles brush him :) which he does almost daily!
I guess, eventually, Charles will have to make the decision to take him to the sale!
It's sad because he was raised and hand fed by the two ladies we bought him from -so he became a pet!(had never been with other cattle) He's very gentle and nice.

Here's Bubba:

It's a rainy day here - rain which we need but
it does make for a gloomy day!

I think I will go YouTubing and watch some Everly Bros. Vids! :)



  1. Poor Bubba. Aw, well, the auction it is, if he's not mingling well.

    Which reminds me, you said the pumpkins went to the cows. I didn't know cows liked such veges.
    Question: Does it effect the milk?
    I seem to remember reading that a cow should not eat mint leaves.
    And I know when I was nursing babies what I ate always came out one way or another.

    I guess I wouldn't make a good farmer's wife, either.
    Although one guy has said otherwise. He is a a grain farmer, so this question might not come up.
    He's a family friend and he was joking.
    I hope.

  2. Hi Diane,

    Yah- poor Bubba! I wish those ladies could just buy him back and let him live out his life as a pet!

    About the pumpkins...not sure if it would effect the milk. (We don't milk them, anyway) And too, they just get them(pumpkins) once a year, split among the herd, so I guess it wouldn't be a problem! (lol- unless Janet decided she wanted them all for herself!)


  3. I like the names you picked for the calves (Don & Phil)
    Have fun watching Videos. It's nicely warm here today...

  4. Thanks, Sue.

    ...Rained all afternoon and still is-I think!

    Take care,


  5. Nice looking herd you guys have there. The Everly Brothers were my favorite when I was coming up - way back when. ec

  6. Thanks-

    I think Charles would really miss it if he had to give it up but it keeps him busy.

    And the Everly Bros. were my favorites too! They were GOOD!


  7. Hi June ~Good on you for voting - if we
    don't vote here we get fined as it is
    compulsory. My son-in-law came from Holland and won't eat pumpkin, because they feed it to their cattle over there.
    I used to loved the Everleys too, espec.
    Walk Right Back. Thanks for your comments the word thing was quite good.
    Take care June, Love, Merle.

  8. Nice herd, Lyle and I once knew a trainer who used to feed his race horses pumkin, in some cooked form along with some balanced diet he fed them. Wonder if it helped at all he had some good winners that he owned and trained. Thanks for visit and comments to my site.
    Cheers Margaret

  9. Hi June
    Nice herd you got there
    We have to vote on the 25November if we dont we get fined.

  10. Jeanette



    Thanks for your visits to my site.

    The cattle raising is just a hobby for my husband in his retirement. I'm glad he has it to keep him busy, although sometimes it seems like an awful lot of work for just one man! But he has always been a hard worker,all of his life-and the extra $$ is nice.

    The info about pumpkin being used to feed animals was interesting. I had never heard of that.
    (except in the case of my husband doing it with our leftover Halloween pumpkins)

    ...so our election is over-with a major shift in power...
    We'll see how that goes. Lots of changes, I expect.

    I didn't know that in your country you HAD to vote or be fined. What if a person is unable because of health reasons-or others? Are there exceptions?

    Finally, Merle-
    yes the Everlys were tops- with their sweet harmonies. Listening to them brings back memories of my teen years!


  11. It rained in Michigan all day yesterday. I know I should be thankful for the rain but it sure is nasty around this time of year.

  12. Hi Lori,

    Hope today is a nice one for you.

    Beautiful day here.


  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    June -- I love these cow posts -- this was so much fun reading -- in fact this whole page that came up was fun because the spiders are gone. hahaha! I went to the feed store this AM to buy dog food -- and bought a cow for Ozzy for his birthday. I wish Bubba could come live here with us -- i would love to have a cow for a pet!!!! Thanks again for all the wonderful stuff you put here!!!

  14. Hi Bonnie,

    :0 I knew you'd like the cow stuff- lol- I wish you had Bubba too- He makes a good pet but not much of a BULL for breeding! haha

    For a laugh you need to go to Oct archives and read about the Water Wheel!

