Saturday, December 09, 2006

Baby, it's Cold Outside!

:) Well- it's our version of cold, anyway! Actually, it has been necessary to turn on the heat -late nights and early mornings- pretty often.

This morning we went out for breakfast and as you see we needed light jackets! Of course I'm playing it up a little! I wasn't really cold to the point of shivering! :)

You can see Charles has grown his santa beard back-well- it's getting there, anyway! I like his beard! Don't you??

Later I went to do some Christmas quite a lot accomplished! It's been hard this time, deciding what to get everyone! Oh, well! Hope everyone is happy with my choices! (I'm very uninspired-sorry!)

And finally got our Nativity set up! I'm pleased with it.

I'm going to try and make an early night of it tonight! I have a bad headache. Need to catch up on my sleep!



  1. Aw, we went out for breakfast, too!
    Our thermometer on the porch read 16o, but the weatherman says it got up to 26 this afternoon.
    Yay for winter on the prairie!!

    I've got a bad headache, same as you. Maybe the weather does have something to do with it.
    I plan to hit the sheets early tonight. At least sooner than my usual 11:30, anyway.

  2. The temps you're having would feel like a heatwave to me! lol I just love your nativity, the manger is gorgeous!! I finished all my shopping today, now to wrap it all up!!! Hugs xox

  3. Hi Diane,

    I just checked the temp. on the back porch and it's 56...just a little chilly.

    ...maybe a good night's sleep is what we both need for these headaches!


  4. Hi Pea,

    :) I know- our Florida winters are very mild! I enjoy the little cold that we DO have here!

    I got pretty well done with my shopping except for my husband!...Will do his early next week. ;) The wrapping is always a BIG job but fun!

  5. Anonymous11:14 PM

    This time of year the decorating gets done and the Nativity set comes out. Ours was made by my oldest son's friend when he was high school age. Son will be 44 on December 31 so you can see why I value Jimmy's work on my set. Hope you have a very happy holiday season.

  6. My Nativity set is very simple. I've had it only the past 18 years but, still, I always like to display it.

    Yes, I can understand why you value yours a lot! (having been made by a friend of your son)

    Hope you all have a Happy Holiday too.

  7. I DO like the Santa beard! :) I also love the lights around your nativity set... they make it look so cozy and festive! I like the star, too... did you make it with tin foil? I made one almost like that out of cardboard and tin foil for our Christmas tree, except it's a four-pointed star. We've used that for years - it's survived surprisingly well!

  8. Hi Skye,

    Yes, that little star I made with a cardboard cut-out-covered with foil! It worked!! :) Yah, I added those lights when I first got the Nativity set! As you say it makes it more festive!

    Hey-I like that new picture of you!

    ...And thanks about my Charlie's santa beard! :)

    I will visit you soon!


  9. The few times that I have grown a beard, it certainly didn't look that good - mine just looked scruffy. ec

  10. hi ec,

    Charles has always had great hair- so I guess it follows that he would be able to have a good beard too!

