Friday, December 22, 2006

December 22.....and counting

Counting down to Christmas and still much to do...but it will get done!
We'll have all the kids and 'Grands' so I'm looking forward to it! Can't wait! :)

Alli and Tina are making some M&M cookies for our Christmas Eve !


I had hoped to go through some old pics of my kids when they were very young for my Pre-Christmas posting- but time is running out on me! Guess I will have to let that go! :(

~~~~But am posting a couple of past misc. Christmas pics .
Always, of course, remembering Mom!~~~~


Today there are lots of things still to do around here but last night I took a much needed music break~~~just felt I had to relax a little bit. I played my beloved Dan Fogelberg's "The First Christmas Morning."
This~ and Sarah McLachlan's "Wintersong." are my favorites!

:) ~~~ And ended the night with some Beatles!

~~~A very good late night of music!~~~

:) ~~~ NOW ~ I must get to those dishes I let go last night,

~~~and do some wrapping, too!


  1. Sounds like you've got it pretty well planned out over the next few days Junie. Pace one wants a pooped out Ginga for Christmas. Love seeing all your Xmas warm my heart Junie....Merry Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

  2. Joy,

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments!

    ...Yes, I'm trying to take it a little easy, especially since my back has been bad the last few days! Last Christmas Eve I got sick and had to go to bed early...don't want that to happen again!

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Joy- and hope you'll be with at least part of yer family- if not all!

    Bet you'll have Sarah playing in the background! :) I know I will!

    ((hugs to you)))


  3. Sometimes dishes can just wait...enjoy your life...I'm sure your Momma would tell you the same!!

  4. Here's hoping for you the most joy and laughter of any Christmas you have had. ec

  5. Thanks so much, Mreddie!

    And I wish the same for you and your family!


  6. Tammy,

    You're right ! Mom would have said,"Honey, don't work so hard!" :) ...and she would have joined me in the music listening- LOL- but probably NOT the Beatles!

