Monday, December 11, 2006

Looking Back!

While looking through my Christmas dishes to be washed and ready for use, I came across this little plate my youngest daughter made for me in first grade! I have always loved it and use it every year to serve cookies!

Tina always laughs at my sentimental attachment to this! They (all my kids) should have learned by now that it's these kinds of things that are the dearest to my heart! They know but still they laugh at me!! :) ...But, I see too, it pleases them that I am that way and all the little things are in place- just as they've always been!

~~~This is Tina at about age 5~~~


In my last box of ornaments I found this! It's a card my daughter Tam sent me from NY...

We had taken her up in August. (I posted of this earlier) It was a tramatic event in our lives!
This card shows that she missed home a little, too - just as we missed her!

This card is so sweet and typical of our daughter, Tammy! :)


We were all together that Christmas.
The days passed all too quickly and it was time for Tammy to return to school in NYC!
This was a sad day for us!




  1. Ahhhh... MEMORIES are MADE of THIS! ~ Nice ones too! Thanks for sharing! ~ jb///

  2. jb,

    Thanks for coming by! I appreciate your visits.

    ( Lots of Christmas memories! )


  3. My son and daughter both made plates like that. I gave them to their respective spouses for Christmas early on in their marriages. Wonderful keepsakes..

  4. Sue,

    Yes, they are!
    I suppose someday after Chas. and I are gone, Tina's kids will want this plate. (probably Allison, my granddaughter will get it!)

    Meantime-we will just all enjoy it every Christmas! :) lol- I won't part with it until it's time, anyway!


  5. You're a lady after my own heart with all of your old and handmade pieces from the children. How can anyone part with them? My kids laugh too, but they know if one is missing. I've given my kids all of their ornaments that we collected over the years so they can include them when they decorate THEIR trees now. Funny how much they mean to them now that they are in their hands and represent an important part of their past. This is how it should be. Thanks for this post Junie...

  6. Dear Joy,

    LOL- Why am I not surprised that you can relate to my feelings here! :)

    Have a wonderful day!



  7. Such precious memories and I think it's wonderful that you've hung on to so many of them! I still have a lot of things my boys made for me and all the cards they've ever made or given me:-)

  8. :)

    It's always been hard for me NOT to keep things that my kids or anyone close to me gives me!

    Makes a cluttered but happier life-IMO :)
