Thursday, December 07, 2006

Making Merry!

As this picture shows I was very happy being 'Ginga' to these 2 boys! In fact it seemed that this was what I was meant to DO in my life...just be a Granny!
These are my first 2 grandsons- brothers Daniel (2-1/2 here) and Brian (8 months) This was in 1985.
Up until that time I had taken care of the babies everyday while their mom worked. Their dad was in the army and stationed overseas!

That was about to change! Their dad was coming home and the family would all soon be leaving for Fort Ord Army Base in Ca, so they could all be together. We had presents for the boys and did a little Christmas celebration early! This would be the first Christmas they would be away from us!

For the moment of this pic I am HAPPY! I am holding on to my 2 babies, though Brian, just barely!

Brian was a very wiggley boy at that age as the picture shows... His mom sometimes referred to him as a 'Wiggle Worm!' Little 2 year old Dan didn't know about 'Wiggle Worms' but he DID know Bagels! One day his mom overheard Dan say to his baby brother-"I love you baby but you're a "Bagel Worm!" ;)

...Sweet Christmas memories from 1985...


AKA 'Ginga'


  1. Oh you look so happy!!

  2. ;) YES! I was! But it was like having my heart ripped out when they left us! ;{

    Lol- and it wasn't but a few weeks until we made a trip to CALIFORNIA!


  3. Christmas, little ones and memories all go together. Fort Ord is where I took my Army basic training back in 1959 - some memories there - not necessarily all good either. :) ec

  4. I would have been heading for California very quickly too Junie! Those little boys truly had a piece of your heart!
    (My own two grandsons are still that way!)

  5. Hi Sue,

    Yes, they sure DID have a piece of my heart-and still do-along with my other two 'grands' who came a little later!
    lol- We didn't waste any time in visiting them-that's for sure! Made 2 trips out there!


  6. Hi Mreddie,

    I thought I remembered you mentioning Fort Ord!
    Well, I must say it's beautiful out there...We enjoyed it! I would love to go back someday!

    But- ohh- it was hard to have my little boys leave that first time!!

    ...But we've been blessed with sooo many good and happy years with the family since that time! :)


  7. What a delightful picture and I can't even imagine how terribly lonesome you felt after they moved away!! No wonder it wasn't long before you went to visit them! lol Such precious memories!!

  8. Oh, yes!! That picture shows how 'into' that grandmother thing I was, eh??

    Well,the separation wasn't long and we have all had many happy years since then of living close to each other! Almost all out Christmases have been spent together-(all of the kids and grandkids!)


  9. Anonymous5:49 PM

    What a wonderful memory in that photo. You can just see the love for their grandmother in their shiny little faces.

    I am not decorating this year. It seems weird not to be doing so, but one of my sons is off to Hawaii and the other to New Mexico. Kristi is busy with the twins, who are still too young to have any idea about holidays, so Bob and I thought . . . cruise time!

  10. Hi Maria,

    Well, we'll have the whole family here- at least this ONE MORE TIME! With the grandkids grown now I don't expect it will last much longer.

    I tell you- being a 'granny' was the best years of my life...and by that I mean when the kids were small-and all through their growing up I've tried to hold on to the traditions as long as I can!

    It's very good that you and Bob are able to do so much together, though!

    Charles and I have done little traveling. It would be nice!
