Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More Christmas Memories

~ Here are a few more of my childhood memories of Christmas.~

( These were published on my Memories of Mom site )


(Click on this story to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

What do you think? ;)





  1. Wow, those old Christmas memories - ones when I was small, then ones when my girls were small and now the small 'grand ones'. What a blessing to see Christmas afresh through their eyes! ec

  2. ;)

    ...AND... we even have our 'Great-Grands' to experience it with in the future!


  3. You're so fortunate to be able to have all these memories and better yet to share them with your whole family!

  4. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for reading my stories! :)


  5. I loved this....I remember a lot of my dolls and just wish I still had some of them! in the 1982 picture, that tall doll you have in front of you, looks just like one I had when I was 4 years old:-) I used to call her Susie!

  6. I don't have any of my own dolls- tho that little one in the 'Old Fashioned' pic looks like the little Betsy-Wetsy dolls my little sister and I got that ' Christmas Eve.' I wish I had kept my dolls. lol- but guess they couldn't have survived all these years anyway.

    I DO have a lot of the dolls that belonged to my 2 daughters! (After Christmas I plan to organize my doll collection and do some posts on them!)

    I just got into doll collecting in my middle years-although I have always loved dolls!

    The one in the picture (child size doll) is one I bought at an antique shop. She was new to me that Christmas! :)
    I'll have to research her and write more about her later.

    The little boy doll , of course is new. It's Elvis Presley. I did an early post on this doll-and my husband. (they looked a lot alike:) ) That was a B'day gift from Tina, my youngest daughter, lasy year.

    OK- more later!


  7. Hi June
    Lovely Memories of your Chistmas's
    That tall Doll looks like a wendy walker I gave my 3 girls one on the second christmas

  8. Hi Jeanette,

    I bought that doll 20 + years ago at an antique shop...not sure what she is. I should remember but I don't, as she's not out where I see her everyday. I have sort of gotten away from collecting the past few years.

    ~~ I wrote out my memories as a way to help myself through the grief after Mom passed away almost 4 years ago.~~ And it helped me>


  9. I loved the Christmas tree...it was Huge!!

  10. oh and you are just as pretty now as you were then...probably more so!!

  11. Hey Tammy,

    Happy to see you back!!

    Yes-that was a very fat tree that year-The one we got this year is perfectly shaped- but tall and thin!!

    ;0 - and thanks for the nice compliment-lol- tho 24 years DOES make a big difference !
