Friday, December 29, 2006

...Of Baby-Dolls-Robes and English Leather!

Recent posts commenting on Charles' new robe and cuddling up with Tiger the kitty made me remember this early post I put here... (July 2006)
It's a Christmas memory...about things long past!

( :) I still get robes but Baby Doll PJs are long past! haha )

~This is a picture of Charles and me on Christmas Eve, 1967~

~~~posted July 27,2006~~~

English Leather

For some reason, today I am thinking of English Leather…that fragrance my husband used to favor.

Every Christmas he would get a fresh bottle from me to add to the ones from years past until every spare inch of his bathroom space was taken up with almost identical bottles in various sizes! Some would be partially used –some remained unopened from one Christmas to the next! Some bottles would grow very old in waiting to be opened-and some never would be!

A little daily dab or two is all he used, unless we went out to something special! That didn’t happen often, not even in those early years and it happens less often now. Still-English Leather was his scent so it’s what he got! I have been known to pour this fragrance down the drain when it became years past it’s purchase date! :) This produced a fine, manly smell in the bathroom!

I’m sure there’re bottles of English Leather, still, in Charlie’s bathroom cabinet…though I haven’t had a whiff of it in a long time now! And I haven’t bought him a new bottle in several years.

Charlie says he has developed his own, distinctive scent, since moving to the farm, here, and doesn’t need his old cologne.
He hasn’t put a name to it! I get the essence of it when I do his laundry after a long, hot day of dealing with hay and cows! :) Perhaps it’s Ocala Leather!

…On occasion, (being the sentimental soul I am who holds on to everything,) I come across some of the gifts he gave me in those long past Christmases, too! Yes! I remember those times of the tiny baby doll PJs…always in baby blue! :)



  1. Very nice picture of you both as young love birds!!
    I remember this post, one of the first I read I think!
    Happy New Year!!

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    English Leather -- wow, I hadn't thought of that in a long time.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi Tammy,

    lol- WELL...we had been married about 7 years here!

    Happy New Year!!


  5. Rhea,

    ...Loved that fragrance!

