Friday, December 01, 2006

Some memories and Christmas thoughts...

A conversation with a new blogger friend has brought back a lot of memories for me today...memories of Mom.

The conversation has gone from the beautiful music of Dan Fogelberg ; his Christmas music and all the rest, (YES!! Another big DanFan!) to Christmas gifts etc-

This lady, Sherry, mentioned that she makes a lot of her gifts. This year she is making candles! I think that's great and told her so. A gift made especially for someone can mean more than a very expensive gift. The love that goes into it is what matters most!

This brought to mind some things my mom gave to me over the years. I have sooo many little things from her- well, some might consider them small but to me they mean SO much!

For instance- this!

My dad died in 1963, leaving Mom with very little to survive on.
My family was always poor- had never owned a home. Mom had limited work skills and she was severely hearing impaired since an early age: several years shy of being able to receive Social Security benefits, even!

She survived with whatever work she could find, and living, mostly, among her five children.

During this period Mom never failed to have gifts for us all- no matter how tight things were! She crocheted a lot in those days-making house slippers, shawls, blankets, pillows! She crocheted doll clothes for my little girls!

She made this little Christmas basket for me one of those very lean Christmases... and one for my sisters too, as I remember it! I have had this for over 40 years! This is something I find a place for every year, simple and sweet as it is! It was made and given with lots of love
and I'll always cherish it!




  1. Anonymous5:25 PM


    I just read your story for the day! Thanks for mentioning me!

    I love the basket that your Mom crocheted for you, it is truly beautiful and I like you do treasure hand made gifts.

    Your Mom sounds like an Angel! I know how are it is to raise your children on nothing. But you know, they turn out better than those kids who end up having everything given to them. You seemed to have such a big and giving heart and I am sure that a lot of that comes from your Mom and how you were raised...

    I still have my little Mama and don't know what I would do if I didn't. I cherish her and what she does to help me.


  2. Hi Sherry,

    I'm happy you came to visit my site again today.

    Some of the things we were talking about brought memories of my mom to the front again! We lost mom - will be 4 years ago - in January. She was 94 and had lived with us for the past 12 years! It has been hard getting over losing her.
    (The blog stories I did about our early life helped me get through it-and I thought my family would like my memories recorded.)

    My mom was a dear and we all miss her still. I like to think I got some of her good qualities! I hope so!

    You're lucky to still have your mom.


  3. Anonymous5:55 PM


    Ninety-four! How wonderful!! My Dad was 84 on his b'day the 29th of November, my little Mama is 78. I would love for each of them to live as long as your dear Mom.

    The address to The Artistry page at Ever On is:

    Hope that takes you there, if not just go to Ever On's main website and you can access it from it. Not the message board, I don't remember if I gave you the address to the main website or not, it is really amazing. Brett, the man who is responible for all of our wonderful Ever On sites is our Master Wizard!! :-)

    Take care, gotta feed all the cats and dogs now!


  4. Thanks Sherry,
    I was able to find the Artisty page. (and have it in favorites now) I enjoyed reading the poems...and those Dream Catchers are beautiful!

    NOW-I gotta go feed my cats and dogs! :)


  5. What a precious keepsake from your Mom.
    Thank God for all our beautiful memories to help keep our loved ones in our minds..

  6. Thanks, Sue,

    The time comes to us all when all we have left of some of our loved ones will be the memories...
    ...and of course the memories are always there but I like keeping the little 'things' too! Every time I unpack my Christmas things I find this little basket and put it out on display. It made Mom happy while she was here with us to know I had kept it all these years.


  7. Those handmade things are a treasure and a source of remembrance of the loved one that made it. ec

  8. Those handmade things are a treasure and a source of remembrance of the loved one that made it. ec <<<

    yes! The very best gifts!


  9. The basket is lovely.I agree the hand made resents are much more precious, being made with love and holding all the memories of the person who made it. I recieved that Age by chocolate email as well,I cannot work out how it could remotely work, yet it does. No doubt some math formula that is way above me.
    Cheers Margaret

  10. Hello Margaret,

    Thanks for coming by and your comments.
    Yes, the little things mean a lot to me.

    As for that Chocolate -Math thing- someone explained it all in a comment .
    Simple math! (tho math is never simple to me!) haha


    I have been unable to leave comments at your site recently. I can usually read your post but can't comment!...It's only your site that I've had trouble with! Very strange!

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM


    Glad that you found The Artistry Page. Thanks for the kind words regarding my DreamCatchers. I have been making them since 1990!! I make mine in the traditional way. The orginal hoops were made from Red Willow, I use weeping willow as it is easy to find were I live. I strip the leaves and then 'weave' a hoop. I then let it 'cure' or dry till it is strong and will last...then I weave the center. A hoop that is 12 - 13" in diameter will take me about 13 hours to weave. I don't weave mine with large spaces as I tend to like the pattern left when they are spaced closer together. Needless to say, I have never gotten enough money for the time that is put into my DreamCatchers, especially the large ones. Nowadays, I will not make one that large as it is too time consuming. Then after all the making of hoops and weaving, I still have my decorating to do. I have been told that mine were nicer than ones that were seen and purchased in Cherokee NC. I even custom make them, so that there are things hanging from them that are personal to that person. It was something that I really loved to do and kept me very connected to my Native American roots....

    I have many more poems in me, just not enough time to get them all out. I normally carry paper and pen with me as sometimes words start forming in my head and I have to write them at that time or I will lose them. I am sure that you understand that!

    Take care!


  12. What a wonderful Christmas gift your mom had made for you...loved the story behind it and I agree with you, homemade gifts can mean so much. I treasure everything my mom makes for me because I know that one day she will no longer be here and they are all I'll have left of her! Have a wonderful weekend dear Junie!! xox

  13. Have a wonderful weekend dear Junie!! xox<<<


    Thanks so much.
    Hope you're having a good weekend too.


  14. Sherry,

    Yes, I found your DreamCatchers very attractive and I can see you put a lot of work into them.

    It was that way with my crafts- especially the papier Mache santa figures. I had to put so much work into them that I never could get enough $$ to pay for my time spent in doing them!

    But we have to figure in the satisfaction we get out of creating something of beauty, and sometimes that's enough.

    With my poems- just being able to write them is worth it. (even if no one else ever reads them!) ;)


  15. What a nice rememberance of your Mom. I know how you must think of her every time you look at it Junie. These things are always the most cherished treasures. Nice post.
