Monday, December 04, 2006

The Tree-2006 ( Family stuff)

I finished decorating the tree!

This may be the last year I will do a big one! (This one is just tall- not fat!) I'm still missing some of the favorite ornaments but will most likely find them as I finish up the decorating! (The tree is probably about 1/3 of what I will eventually do!
... I hope I can do the rest!!!)
Anyway- (my family) we can enjoy this-ONE MORE TIME! :)
The tree:

The angel on top! I have had this Gorham Angel for many years.

My babies:

Other old favorites:



  1. Junierose hello!
    I think your tree is exactly as a christmas tree should be, filled with memories. From the past, now and the future, it is beautiful well done to you.
    I will be back to see more of your decorations as you pop! them up on your lovely blog.

    see you again real soon.

  2. Liked the photo ornaments - good idea. ec

  3. Hi Lee-Ann,

    So happy you came by and glad you like my tree!

    I'm a collector, as anyone can see who reads even a little of my blogs! :) ...and my family has always been #1 in my world! Everything on our tree holds a special memory for us all! ( It just seems harder to get it all together as I get older- but I guess that's a normal part of life too!)

    Thanks so much for coming by and for your nice comments. I hope you will come back and check out my other blogs too! (on my side bar)

    I have visited your blog a few times and found it to be just beautiful!

    See you again.


  4. Hi ec,

    Thanks for visiting and for your nice comment.

    Yes-I love my baby pic ornaments!


  5. Hi Junie,
    This is a lovely post with all your ornaments. Why don't you link this one in on Friday to Morning Glory's Christmas Tree treasures. It will be fun and you can see lots of people's special ornaments. The link in on my Sunday post!

  6. Thanks Susie,

    I'll check into that- if I get a chance!


  7. Anonymous6:43 PM

    What a wonderful glimpse into your world at Christmas. I loved looking at all the little ornaments and that agngel for the top of the tree. . . too sweet.

    I am not decorating this year. Bob and I are taking a cruise over the holidays and with no kids coming home, it doesn't seem worth the effort.

  8. Thanks Maria,

    I am 2 days into my decorating and probably have one more! So far I haven't been able to scale back! (sigh)

    Maybe next year!


  9. Your tree is absolutely gorgeous and how I'd love to be there to see all those delightful ornaments filled with memories!! As you know by my blog, I LOVE anything Christmas! lol

  10. :) My tree is very pretty- tall and skinny! ( lol- unlike me!)

    I didn't have room to use a lot of my ornaments...but I still have the living room to decorate! Yes! One more day!

    I'll make pictures all around the house-WHEN/IF I get through!

    Yes, Pea! I can tell by your blog that you are another girl who loves all things Christmas! There's lots of us around! :)


