Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We did it!!

Christmas morning found me unable to do more than barely drag myself out of bed. My back and leg pain had me completely 'down!'

One of life's greatest blessings is having a husband who is capable and willing to do WAY more than his share to carry on with the job at do what has to be done to carry on the traditions!

I have such a husband . He had to be in charge of cooking and serving the Christmas dinner for the family; of cooking a big turkey and making the cornbread dressing . (of course, I had done lots of things ahead of time...cakes and pies etc.) And he had help from our two daughters with the other things. Still- Charles is amazing, in his abilities and willingness in these things! I'm so lucky to have him- we all are!

Some final pics from our Christmas Day!

We did it! : )



  1. Hooray for Charles!! I'm glad he was able and willing to take over for you. I hope you're feeling better by now, Junie! I can't believe how much work and preparation you did... days and days of it!! It's no wonder you were unable to move by Christmas day! It looks like everyone had a great time, though, so you were successful! :)

    We had a good Christmas, too.

  2. Hi Skye,

    Charles has always been very helpful, especially at holiday time, but I felt really bad that I was not able to do anything at fact- I didn't get out of bed at all until about 10 o'clock!

    I am still not feeling great-so I'm just taking it easy for a few days. I won't worry about getting things put away until I feel like it!

    I'm happy your family had a nice Christmas too! ( I read your blog about your Christmas Eve)


  3. You've got a keeper of a hubby!! I have one like that too, and he is a real blessing when it comes to needing his help around the house.
    It looks like he did a superb job, and nobody went hungry. I'm sure the goodies you baked beforehand were very much appreciated by all.
    I am so sorry you were in pain. What terrible timing. I hope this note finds you doing much better.
    You certainly look pretty in the photo with your beloved hubby. I enjoyed all the photos.

    Happy Belated B-day to Alli!!

  4. Bravo for Charles!!!!!! also for the girls who helped and for your prior efforts to June

  5. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Yep, Charles is one of the good guys! :)
    Well...and we've been married almost 46 years now so I guess I'll keep him- lol- or maybe he's the one that's keeping me!

    He did a great job with the dinner!

    I think I just over did it with the decorating and other stuff...Think I need to just tone it down a little!

    ...after all I'm no Spring Chicken any more1 :) (an old southern saying!)
    Am still not feeling great but I'll be fine after I rest up !

    Thanks for all your nice comments!


  6. Hi Peter,

    Yes, Chas. did a superb job- with the help from the daughters! He's always been good with the holiday helping- tho this was a bigger task-as I really couldn't do anything on Christmas day!

    ...I overdid it all those days and nights before!

    Hope someone reminds me next year that I am getting OLD and can't do all I did when I was a young girl!!

    Hope your Christmas was Merry!


  7. Hi Junie,
    Your Christmas celebration looks like it was a success and your hubby is a true keeper!
    Sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope you can rest and recover real soon!

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hi Sue,

    Yes, C. has always been good to help out but this time he had to do more than that! :) He came through just fine and we had a good celebration with all the family.

    I'll be fine after I rest up.

