Sunday, January 07, 2007

Chocolate covered cherries

Yesterday Charles and I met my sis and brother-in-law for lunch at Long Horn steak house. It was very good. (Is there anything better than fresh baked bread and real butter? I doubt it!

Then we all returned to our house for some after Christmas treats I had stashed away in my freezer.

My sis and I thought it fitting to have some of Mom's favorite candies on her birthday! Here we are being a little silly-doing a sort of toast to Mom with our candies! Mom would like that!

It was a rather bittersweet day of remembering Mom on her birthday!

For several years we had had a reunion/cookout/birthday party for Mom, here at our country place. Mom always loved that. Some years we had huge gatherings ...once numbering past 80!


This pic shows all too well the strain of my recent restless nights and the stress of the holidays and back pain... etc ...but my little sister looks good!

... It was a day in the life so it stays up! lol! :)

(The early pic is when we were ages about 7 and 10 years )



  1. I love the then and now pictures. I'm sure your Mom is smiling down and loving the fact that you two were together enjoying a meal, chocolate covered cherries and special family time!

  2. Hi Susie,

    Thanks! Yes, I'm sure Mom enjoyed our having those cherry candies yesterday! :)

    Hope you're doing ok today>


  3. what a precious way to remember your Momma!!
    I'm sure she would want you to take good care of yourself now Junie!!
    Loved the childhood pic, very good!!

  4. Hi Tammy,

    Yes, she would want that. :) but she would want us to keep eating those cho. cherries! They were her favorite from way back!


  5. Hi June, I am sure your Mum would be with you both, nice to have a day you can treasure her memory together. I do hope you soon feel better and that your back trouble resolves for you.
    Cheers Margaret

  6. Thanks, Margaret, for all your nice words and good wishes!


  7. If your mom was still here I would have sent her some of my homemade chocolate cherries:-) Hmmm, bet you want them anyway eh? lol Just wish they were easier to send through the mail, they usually break no matter how careful I package them up!! I love the two pictures, then and two are beautiful and can really tell you're sisters:-) Much love xoxo

  8. Pea,

    I read earlier about all those candies you make! I was totally amazed that you could do so much!! (LOL-I do well if I manage to get one small batch of fudge made!)

    Thanks for the kind words on the 'then and now' pics- tho, in truth, I am looking quite frumpy lately! :) with not feeling well and not sleeping well!
    ~~~gonna work on that!!~~~

    On the other hand, my sis always looks cute!

    Pea- How is your decluttering going?


  9. I can't believe the coincedences that just keep coming! My mom's favorite candy was chocolate covered cherries! Do you think we're long lost relatives or something?? :-)
    The photos of you and your sister are great.

  10. Janet,

    That really is amazing-about the cho. covered cherries- because I haven't known a lot of people who would claim them as their top favorite! :) ha! Maybe we are related, Janet!

    Thanks for stopping by again.


  11. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I think that joy is shooting the "Bird", but that just may be me seeing something thats not there. ;)

    Love ah ginga

  12. lol!

    only you-Marc!!

