Friday, January 19, 2007

More Music! Eagles

Tonight I watched this dvd of Eagles Farewell Tour concert!
My son gave me this for a Christmas gift and it is absolutely superb!

This band is so multi-talented it's amazing...all equally balanced in that Dept!! All were just outstanding! Can't say I have a favorite of the group as they are all just so good! They performed so well together and had such fun doing it... made me just wish it could go on and on!
Ahh- but all good things must end!

You can find their music on YouTube.

Here's one- but not from this concert!
(several years back)

Eagles - (One of the best bands ever!)



  1. Hi June ~~ I love the Eagles too, a very talented group. Not keen on Alice Cooper. Thanks for your visits and I am
    glad you enjoy the jokes etc. WE got a bit more rain, so it all helps the fires. Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. I love the Eagles! One of my favorites is Desperado. I saw this same concert on PBS last year.

  3. Hi Junie never heard the eagle till i just listened to them here.
    "Love will keep us alive" Beautifull im going to try buy it


  4. Merle, Janet and Jeanette,

    Thanks so much for visiting me here!

    I just enjoyed that dvd concert so much I wanted to share my thoughts about the Eagles! Every moment -every song -was just great!


  5. I completely agree with you on the Eagles. I often get their Greatest Hits album out and play it on long trips.

  6. Cliff,

    Yes- they had a great sound!
    I play their greatest hits often too!

  7. I just love the Eagles! They really are one of the BEST bands ever. I've never seen them in person; but that would be incredible. Now you've got me thinking about going out and finding one of their "all time hits" CDs and just enjoying....

  8. Hi Joy,

    Yes, 'Eagles' is one group I have liked a lot all through the years. They are great to listen to - but better to see them in a dvd. I love that they are so equally talented-and no one seems to need to be the 'Main' guy! They all sing-AND they all have their own special talents in the musical instruments too!

    I never saw them in concert- wish I had!


  9. I do love the Eagles!!

  10. Tammy,

    Oh yes- they are good!

    Even my husband who is a big Country music fan likes some of the EAGLES' songs! :) I guess they have just enough of the country sound to appeal to him!

  11. I've always enjoyed listening to the Eagles for as long as I can remember! I had bought one of their albums when I was 18 and I remember playing it over and over again:-) Hugs xox

  12. Like all the other commenters June I love The Eagles, another favourite is America... oh and about 100 others too.

  13. Hi Peter,

    Oh yah!! America! I liked them too!
    I still drag out my old LPs of them sometimes.

  14. Pea,

    Thanks for coming and your comments!

    I just enjoyed the EAGLES listen last night so much, I wanted to share!

