Thursday, January 25, 2007

My IPhoto back!....and more dolls!

....SO-what do you know! :) I checked my 'IPhoto' picture site again this afternoon....and it seems to have recovered! Really!! I can move my pictures again.... I did absolutely nothing to change things! How could I? I had no idea at all of what was going on!...Still don't know but am happy it's working better.


~~~And since I was able to do something with my pictures I thought I'd continue with my doll collections~~~ ;)


There was a spell back in the 70s when I was very intrigued with Oriential dolls! I have a few, though nothing really expensive. Just some dolls that I found attractive...and some were surprises from family. I have all of these grouped together in a doll case-although they vary greatly in styles as you can see with the pictures.
I will try and describe the ones I'm showing here.
  • Figurine of Jade...this one stands about 10 inches tall (gift from Charles one Christmas)
  • Red & Blue clothed CHINA head stuffed doll. ( 2 views ) This doll is about 18 inches tall (Gift from my son)
  • 2 eggshaped figures ... Light weight-like papier mache...sort of like ornaments (I bought these many yers ago at Pier One)
  • Colorfully dressed lady...light weight/papier mache type (We bought her at the Youth Fair in Miami, long ago)
  • Baby - This little baby is plastic but his costume is fantastic. He's just about 6-7 inches tall- but is designed to sit! I bought him for myself over 20 years ago.
  • The girl in white is very beautiful. She is about 7 - 8 inches tall and she has a beaded costume (beads glued into place) I bought her for myself over 20 years ago.
  • The little guy, wearing white brocade with black belt is of fine porcelain. He is about 12 inches tall. He was a gift from Charles many years ago.


The same Christmas Charles gave me the Jade lady figure he also gave me this Oriental Dress!

:)...It's a poloraid picture that didn't hold up well over the years...but I had fun playing around with it! You can often improve pictures by making them black & white! But the other one shows the pretty colors of the dress! (I am holding the Jade figurine)

The other photo is Alli, my granddaughter-just recently!

( Click on any pic to enlarge )

Yep! I still have that dress!

But you KNOW I'm a collector of stuff- right? :)



  1. Wow! Beautiful stuff! Where do you find to store all this? ec

  2. I never really learned to swear until I got a computer

  3. Hi ec,

    Well, I do have a lot of stuff- but I don't store it away (except for some of my Christmas stuff) I have 5 doll cases in my house!:)

    Junie ( the kid)

  4. Hi Doug,

    ;) I know what you me ....but I try to stick with,'Dang it all!'


  5. Love the peek at your Oriental dolls! Glad your I photo program recovered!

  6. HI Junie,A Beautifull collection of dolls you have there love to see more. (((HUGS)))

  7. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for looking.

    I have a few more to share but probably a little later.


  8. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for looking at my collections.

    Yes, I'm glad my picture program 'fixed' itself because I surely didn't know how to fix it! :)


  9. I like the little guy with the white outfit and black belt, and I like the baby. How cute!

    Collecting things is fun. So much of my stuff is still in CA and has been there in storage for over two years. I look forward to getting it all someday and putting some things on display in a curio cabinet. I don't have a lot to display, but the things that I have are special to me.

    Things don't have to be expensive to be special to us.
    It matters that someone we love gave it to us, or that we saw it, liked it, and bought it for ourselves. The value isn't monetary, that's for sure.

    I hope you have a nice weekend.

  10. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks for looking at my 'stuff.' :)....and hope you're able to get your things out of storage somwday soon.

    Hope you have a good week end too!


  11. Junie, what a beautiful dress...and you look wonderful in it. So does Ally. Love your doll collection. My daughter, Jenna, has a collection of Oriental dolls of them was mine way back when I was a teenager. I love that stuff.

  12. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your visit and comments!

    ;) can you believe I still have that dress after so many years?...It was kind of special, I guess.

    So your daughter has a doll collection too! :) Cool!
    None of mine are very valuable- except maybe the first 5 that I wrote about...but I like having them anyway.

    Hope you have a good weekend!


  13. I'm glad your program started working again...the mysteries of computer stuff eh? lol What a wonderful collection of oriental dolls and I just love that dress! I bet you never thought your granddaughter would ever be wearing it! hehe Beautiful!!

  14. Pea,

    Thanks for looking at my 'toys!'

    Yes, I'm glad I saved that oriental dress...My granddaughter had fun trying on that and some other things I kept from the past.

    It's fun but sad also to have things from your past-and remember all the years that have gone by. I was probably 31- or so in that picture-with my kids still small!
    NOW my grandkids are grown!
