Thursday, January 11, 2007

My world today...

Although things may not be going perfect in my life these days, I still find some things to please me if I just take the time to look around me! Nothing that most would find all that exciting, nevertheless, I find pleasure in these simple things!

~~~Sooo- here's some glimpses
from my little world today!~~~

~My cats - The General and Tiger-
enjoying the winter sunshine,
after a chilly night.~

~The Camellias are in bloom~
(one of few flowers in bloom
this time of year where we live)

~That dangling, gray stuff hanging down is Spanish Moss.
It's an air plant which lives on other trees,
(But does not harm the host tree)
especially the Live Oaks which grow here.
For some reason I have always loved the sight
of this Spanish Moss!
(Mom's influence, I think!
I remember she was thrilled with it from the
time of our first trip to Fl)~

~I love looking upward through the great branches
of our giant Live Oaks
in our back yard!
Although I have never seen birds building homes
in that little bird house hanging there,
I love the way it looks!~

My husband has this black-weathered wall which
he likes hanging stuff on! (old farm empliments-etc)
Can anyone guess what that white object is! Bet you can't! : )



  1. Simple pleasures are indeed the best..
    My camillas are blooming too!
    I'd guess that white thing is a skull of some sort?

  2. Hi Susie,

    Camillas are the most perfect flower, aren't they- well, in appearance but they aren't fragrant! (not when grown here, anyway)

    Yep- that's a goat's skull! :(


  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I love that picture of Tiger!
    It looks like a professional picture.
    and the one of general is funny. haha

  4. Hi Alli,

    Thanks! I especially like the one of Tiger too!

    They were both just really enjoying the morning sunshine! :)

    Love you,


  5. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I loved your photos particularly the ones of the cats. I like the way you have looked for peace and simplicity in your photos. As to what is on the wall. . . my imagination says a rusted wheel in the left hand corner and an old wasp nest. I am probably way off!

  6. Hi Maria,

    I enjoy photographing simple things...There's always something interesting if we just look around.

    That thing on the wall (the white thing) is a skull of a goat!
    We raised goats a few years back! Don't ask why it's there! I don't know! :) (This goat died in a wooded area and wasn't found until it was a pile of bones!)

  7. Hi June ~~ I guessed a skull of some sort but probably wouldn't have thought of a goat. Loved all the photos June, and I have some of that Spanish Moss
    air plant. Hope you are feeling brighter
    Take care, dear friend and enjoy your life. Love, Merle.

  8. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, I'm feeling ok today- slept a little better last night.

    Hope you're doing well- I couldn't read your blog yesterday- haven't tried yet today.

    Take care,


  9. the object is a hornet's nest??
    Loved the kitty photos'!!

  10. Nope!!!

    A goat skull! ;(

    I have very sweet kitties...old guys- especially Tiger!


  11. In Australia, typically, we call Spanish Moss "Old Mans Beard" I knew it was a skull but the goat bit I didn't know.

  12. Hi Peter,

    Yes, I've heard 'Old Man's Beard' as one name used for that Spanish Moss.


  13. Sometimes it's the simple pleasures that are the most comforting. I so enjoyed looking at all your pictures...if only we'd pay more attention to the beauty around us!! I thought it was a hornet's nest too until you mentioned a goat skull! Hugs xoxo

  14. Pea,

    That DOES look like a hornet's nest.
    ....but it really was one of our little goats that got out and died. ;(


  15. Believe it or not, I guessed right although I didn't know which animal.

  16. :) some thought it was a hornets nest- and i can see that it resembles one in the pic.

    Why my husband wanted that skull there is beyond me!!

