Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Start!


Is two weeks into a new year too late to make a new start?

I hope not, because I need to find a new direction down this long road I'm on. I have encountered too many pitfalls along the way recently...sometimes to the point of rattling my teeth and jarring these old weary bones to the core! I need to find a smoother road to travel!


I just need to make some minor adjustments in my life...and I will!


~Some poems~


Steps To The Rest Of My Life

Today I’ll pause on the way to tomorrow
and I’ll reflect on yesterday.

I’ll examine the reasons for my pain and my sorrow-
determine which debts I must pay!

I’ll retrace the steps that led me to this-
this cold place of darkness and fear.

And I’ll slay the dragons-if they still exist-
and the demons, which invited me here!

I’ll leave them in ashes and never look back-
get rid of the pain and the strife.

I’ll, tentatively, take my first steps to the future-
those steps to the rest of my life.

June Kellum- Feb. 2004



Tomorrow brings a brighter day.
I’ll make it so!
I’ll put the pain - the hurt - away.
No one will ever know.

I’ll hide the tears,
and in their place will be a smile.
No one will guess my heart is breaking,
all the while.

And if I do this long enough
from day to day,
in time, the pain I’m feeling now
might, truly, go away!

…So, if wayward tears should fall,
please just pretend
you never saw the teardrops.
Please, be a friend.

I’ll toast tomorrow,
with my glass held high!
With new resolve,
I’ll give it my best try!

June Kellum
Nov. 2003


  1. Hope you're OK..It's never to late to change if it's what you truly want!

  2. Sue,

    I'm ok- just need to follow through on some things...resolutions-etc-

    ~~These poems are not recent~~


  3. No, Junie, never too late to start something that will better your life, especially your health! Loved the poems, you have such a wonderful talent for poetry!! Hugs xox

  4. Thank you, Pea.


  5. That sounds very interesting, Junie! Of course it's not too late to change things... I hope not, anyway! Any day is a good day for a change, I'd say. :) Good luck!

  6. ....It's just that resolutions made on January 1st. are often not working out by mid-January. :)

    But I'll give it my best try!


  7. I could have sworn I posted a comment here earlier...hmmm!!
    Nice poems!!

  8. Thank you, Tammy!

    (I posted this kinda late in the day so you must be thinking of someone else that you commented on)


  9. I don't think it's ever too late to make changes. I've started several this year and so far I'm following through.
    Your poems are great.

  10. Thanks, Janet!

    OK- I realize my post sounded a little overly dramatic! That's just me! :)

    ...The changes I mainly have in mind are ....things such as starting (again) a walking program...getting in better physical condition!

    But -glad you like my poems-even if they are a little gloomy-sounding! Thanks for reading and commenting.

