Monday, January 22, 2007

Slip Kid ( POST #2 of today ~~ check#1 -More doll stuff.)

OK....Have to mention this little guy. He's been around since my one and only trip to NYC in the early 80s. He's been in one or another of my doll display cases all these years...never really having a permanent place. ( LOL- I guess - never knowing if he's a doll or a bear- or something else, he's moved around a lot!)

When this little fellow came to my mind the other day (when I got into this doll mode I'm in!) I didn't know just where I had last seen him...Finally found him...and the name of ' Jimmy Slip kid' seemed to fit him well!
So now, instead of thinking of him as that weird little bear-doll thingy from NYC, I will call him ' Jimmy Slip Kid!
( A' WHO' influence here!)

He participated in the photo sessions, along with the dolls, so I just can't leave him out!

Here I give you, 'Jimmy Slip Kid!"

JUNIE (The kid)


  1. Don't think I have ever seen a Jimmy Slip Kid before - cute. ec

  2. Hi Junie:-) If I'm not mistaken those are called "Mon chi-chi". They came out in the late 1970's, early 1980's. My oldest son Shawn had one and I'll try to find the picture I have of him holding it the Christmas he had gotten it.

    Ok, I just googled it and I'm right, it's a Mon chi-chi...check out she's got a picture of one but with the dark fur like Shawn had.

    Hugs xoxo

  3. Hi Pea,

    I had no idea what he was called. I just thought he was very cute with his little NY shirt!

    Thanks for the info- I'll go read about them!


  4. Hi ec.

    I called him that because he's sometimes hard to keep up with! Lol- I keep forgetting where I've put him....not really his fault that he keeps 'slipping' away from me!
    Good to see you visiting! Hope you're doing fine by now.


  5. Hi June ~~ Love all your dolls and did not realise that there were such attractive boy dolls. Loved your snow photos and your 2 little grandsons cute
    and all grown up now. Thanks for your visit and we were very pleased to finally get some rain, but more is needed. Take care, June, Love, Merle.

  6. Hi June
    lovely Photo's of your 2 little grandsons and your dolls are gorgeous

  7. Jeanette and Merle,

    Thanks to you both for visiting and looking at my dolls...and my boys!

  8. Wow!!! You got to go to NYC!! Did you get to see a stage production like Cats or something?

  9. Hi Tammy,

    Our trip to NYC was many years ago. We went up to help our daughter get settled in college- FIT. (A fashion school)

    LOL- we didn't do anything except a lot of walking!...well- we saw a lot of stuff- but no shows!

