Saturday, January 20, 2007

Tina's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Tina- my youngest daughter!

Actually, we celebrated today (Sat) although tomorrow is her day! Today was more convenient for everyone-(her boys were both able to be off from their work) A small gathering, but we have grown to expect that we can't often all be together! Still, it was great being with the ones here! (Marc, a trucker, couldn't make it home. Nor could our ones in Orlando make it! ...Missed them all!

SO....a sort of 'spur of the moment plan' but it worked!! Charles got the supplies from Wal-Mart...cooked steaks on the grill-and I made salads and we baked potatoes! And had a cake and ice cream!

It's hard to realize my kids are middle-age now! Tina is my youngest and she's 43 tomorrow!!
Funny- I still think of my kids as KIDS!

Tina is a daughter to be proud of. She is an RN and works very hard at her job.
....And...she gave me 3 of my 4 wonderful grandchildren! :)

Some pics from today- and an early one of Tina and me!

Happy,Happy Birthday - Tina Shell




  1. Happy Birthday to Tina!!

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Thank you Tammy.

    She enjoyed the day with all three of her kids around!


  3. A very Happy Birthday to Tina!! I think we'll always call our kids "kids" no matter how old they are:-) Sometimes it's the last minute planned get togethers that turn out the most fun...loved seeing all the pictures! Hugs xoxo

  4. Pea,


    We did have a good day together!

    only thing- my hair needed a shampoo! LOL!
    Oh, well!

