Tuesday, January 09, 2007

To insure our good luck?

For our dinner tonight Charles, again, made this meal of Black-eyed Peas, Greens and Cornbread!
I guess he's not wanting to take any chances with our 'luck' this year!! :)
It was fine with me-as it meant I didn't have to worry about coming up with a plan!
...Besides-that country grub is right good eatin', so I'm not complainin'!


Today has been one long and uneventful (boring!!!) day...after a long and restless night!
When I finally slept I had bad dreams for the 2nd. night in a row!
So tonight I will not even attempt sleep until the wee hours! Will try to exhaust myself totally before attempting sleep! I'll read my book for hours to beat this sleep gremlin that's messing with my sleep! Finally, I will take 2 pills instead of one! (TylenolPM) ...Before the GREMLIN gets the drift of what I'm doing, hopefully, I will drift off to sleep!

Sounds like a PLAN! :)



  1. Hi June ~~ I hope your pan for sleep worked out for you. Sorry you have been having trouble. Thanks for your visit, glad you enjoyed the jokes. I usually type my posts into Word, then copy and paste to blogger and that isn't working
    lately, so I am typing directly into Blogger and that seems to be OK. I have been on Beta for 107 posts, and all was good till lately. Take care, dear June,
    Love, Merle.

  2. Dear Merle,

    Thanks for coming by my blogspot.

    ... I didn't sleep very well but I'll manage.

    Sometimes I type my post into word first but not always.
    -As sure as I DO NOT do it that way- that will be the time blogger messes me up and I lose it all!!!! :(

    Oh, well! When it gets to the point where it is more pain than pleasure I'll give it all up!

    The 16th. will be my one year anniversary here! Not sure if I will switch to Beta but I guess I'll have to if I continue here, sooner or later!

    Take care Merle, and have a good day.


  3. I came by earlier and tried to leave a comment but Blogger ate it so it's somewhere in cyber space! lol I thought I'd wait a bit then try again! I do hope you can sleep better soon...when I get those kind of nights, I stay up until I can't even keep my eyes open anymore and then I usually can sleep for a few hours. Your dinner looks so yummy...would you believe I've never had anything that's on your plate? I guess I'll have to go visit "down south" to taste all these goodies:-) Hugs xoxo

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    My hubby makes this same meal every New Years Day. And you're right....it is good grub!
    I hope your plan for sleep worked for you. There's nothing worse than trying to go to sleep and it won't happen.
    Had to sign on as anonymous - Janet from Just Bee-cause

  5. My hubby makes this same meal every New Years Day. And you're right....it is good grub!
    I hope your plan for sleep worked for you. There's nothing worse than trying to go to sleep and it won't happen.

  6. My hubby makes this same meal every New Years Day. And you're right....it is good grub!
    I hope your plan for sleep worked for you. There's nothing worse than trying to go to sleep and it won't happen.

  7. My hubby makes this same meal every New Years Day. And you're right....it is good grub!
    I hope your plan for sleep worked for you. There's nothing worse than trying to go to sleep and it won't happen.

  8. Hi Janet,

    My husband buys double when he buys food items so he had the meal ingredients to do this again- I let him go with it!

    ....Didn't sleep well again. It's a big problem for me at this time. Don't want to go for perscription sleep aids unless I have to.

    Everyone seems to be having trouble with posting these days- me included.
    I have not yet switched to Beta...but guess I will have to soon.


  9. Hi Pea,

    Everyone is having trouble with blogger, it seems!

    Well, thanks for your comments about the dinner. It WAS good but I ate too much of it- which added to my sleep problem-I think! I stayed up very late watching a movie but still had trouble sleeping.


  10. LOVE the pic of you and your "Elvis."

    Insomnia is such a curse. My hubby and son both suffer from it. My daughter and I fall asleep quickly and sleep like rocks. I hate to hear of anyone having trouble sleeping.

    I had trouble getting your blog to come up that last couple times I tried. I'm glad I was able to get through now.

    I cooked country beans and corn bread for dinner. The beans cooked all day along with ham hocks and bay leaves and seasoning. My daughter is not used to eating this kind of food, and she said, "Is that all there is tonight? Just BEANS for dinner??"
    It cracked me up!

    LOVE that country cooking!! YUMMY!!

    Sweet dreams!

  11. Hi Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks for coming over. Everyone has been having trouble posting the past few days, it seems! I know I have!

    Thanks for the nice compliment, too- for me and my Elvis!
    :)...a LOOONG time ago- but it was us!

    I love beans, slow cooked with ham hocks, every now and then! And corn bread! Well, I have lived my whole life in the south so I'm used to that kind of cooking! (but not your daughter, ehh? :) )

    I have been bothered with insomnia for a long time. I don't know what it's like to just go to bed , close my eyes and go right to sleep! :) I bet it's a good feeling!

    Thanks, JD


  12. Hi Junie,
    Blogger has been so bad. I left a comment and can see it's not here!
    Oh well..
    Hope you sleep better tonight and your hubby really does look a lot like Elvis!
