Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Back home again

We're back and it's always good to come home. We both like our familiar routine here.
He's snoozing in front of the TV while I'm pecking away at my keyboard .

That's ok with both of us-to be able to do the things we find pleasure in and to let the other do likewise. Almost 46 years together has led us to this comfortable place.

Still-we have our fun times together and tonight was one of those...a very special outing for us!

After making that necessary but bothersome stop at the dentist and having my fake-temporary- teeth stuck and secured again, we were off to Crystal River; a little town 50 miles or so from us.

We had been there a few times before and there's a restaurant we like- right by the water. ( KingsBay) Check out the restaurant here!

Every time we've been there the restaurant has been packed! The food is great and the atmosphere is relaxed - excellent and friendly service! Outdoor tables by the water are available . We ate inside but walked around and looked at the boats and the sky, before and after our dinner.

As it turned out- the conditions were not right for the sunset I had hoped for! Not enough sunshine in the day, maybe. At sundown, the sky was just very dark clouds on the horizon... Still, I always find the sky interesting to look at, whatever is there!

I have included some pics of our evening: ( Click to enlarge )

Forgot to mention it was quite breezy by the water-as you can see in the one of me! ;)

I always get excellent pics of Charles - I think it's the beard that does it! :)

OH! That plate of food was MINE! Seafood platter! Superb!

A good night!




  1. Hi June ~~ Glad you and Charles had a nice outing for Valentine's Day. You both look good in all the photos you sare with us. Loved your greetings fr your family. Sorry you have had dental problems and glad they are fixed. Nice
    looking calf, Silver-bells. Loved al your photos.
    Thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed the Tablecloth story. I hope you are getting some sleep these days.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. Hi Junie
    Lovely photo's of you and charles on your valentine outing OOhhh I do love seafood my mouths watering.Take care (((hugs)))Jen

  3. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for reading about us!

    I love seafood too and this was especially good!

    Lol- but my husband had a hamburger!

    Hope you're having a good day.



  4. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for reading us here at Juniesplace.

    We had a nice night out-good food and a good time together- in spite of the dental problems I'm having!

    Hope you're having a good day today.



  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Such atmosphere for a Valentines dinner. It looks like a wonderful place to spend a romantic time with your Sweetie!

    Also I must say that my comment on Silver Bell didn't take ( my fault) so I'll say it here It is a wonderful looking calf. Charles picked the perfect name!

  6. Hi Momma ( Mary)

    Yes, it was a very nice evening for us!
    And I'm always thankful that we are still able to get out and about like that! (simple pleasures!)

    Yep, the little calf is adorable and her name fits well!-That silvery-white color is unusual...but our cows are mixed-breeds so we never know what to expect! :)


  7. That seafood platter is right up my alley Junie. Love the stuff. Cracker's Bar & Grill looks like a great place. So glad you had your teeth taken care of before that delicious meal.

  8. Hi Joy,

    Yep- seafood is one of my favorites!

    We had a good evening out!

    :) am glad to be getting the teeth fixed-although it has been very expensive...have lost track of how many crowns I have had done - at around a thousand bucks a tooth!

    Hope you're having a good day.


  9. It's nice to have fun together and have a freedom to persue a seperate interest without your relationship being threatened, isn't it?
    Looks like you had a wonderful time!!

  10. It's nice to have fun together and have a freedom to persue a seperate interest without your relationship being threatened, isn't it?
    Looks like you had a wonderful time!!

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    You have 46 years together -- wow! And my second comment, that fried seafood platter looks sooooo good. I am writing to you from Boston, where I could go out the door right now and get one of those.

  12. Tammy,

    Yep- it was fun getting out- just the 2 of us...and it is good to be able to do our own things, too.

  13. rhea,

    Well, we will have our 46th. anniversary in April-

    I bet you have really good seafood where you are. (mine was good too!!!) I have never been to Boston!

    Thanks for coming by.


  14. Hi Junie:-) So glad to hear you had such a wonderful day...loved seeing the pictures! That seafood platter looks soooo good. I've just come back from bringing my mom out for dinner and shopping...the wind is so bitterly cold, I'm still trying to thaw out!! Hugs xox

  15. Anonymous1:13 PM

    When I get home, You and Gabbo need to take me to this place. I want some seafood. Yum Yum

  16. :) hey Marc! Sure- it would be a fun trip for all of us- tho Gabbo likes Stumpknockers in Inverness better! (fried Catfish)

    I like this place because it's on the water...very attractive scenery!

    Be careful out there, Marc!


