Tuesday, February 20, 2007

La-Z- Boy Update!


I know you all have been waiting with 'bated breath' for the La-Z-Boy outcome, so I wanted to do a follow-up as soon as possible! :)

Charles took the defective chair back and since the brown was just not the greatest match decided to trade-up for a different chair! ...My suggestion! I saw this one yesterday and liked it better than the one he chose...although it was $100.00 more in price! This one is unusual as it has 2 different shades of brown in it and one of them is a better match to the couch he has in the den!

Turns out...this chair was a special order for a customer who decided not to take it- so it was marked way down! A great buy at $700.00! So eventhough he spent more $$$ he got a much better chair! So I'm happy- he's happy with it, too!

Here are my 2 'La-Z-Boys,' hanging out together! :)


...In spite of all the little bumps that made up yesterday -(yes-that pun intended!)
the day was fun for me and ended real fine!

I was up late, as I usually am, but had some relaxing music time and a good conversation with a friend.

Life is good!




  1. that is a nice looking chair which I'm sure he'll enjoy...when he's not our riding that is..

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Oh yah! He's pleased with this one!


  3. LaZboy is a good reliable company! We have two sofas that are just the most comfortable we've ever had.
    Sorry to hear about the boo boo to the trk!

  4. Yesssss FINALLY I get to hear how this all turned out!!! I barely slept last night thinking about it, worrying about poor Charles with no chair....do I deserve an Oscar award now???? hehe Awwww, I'm really glad he got such a great deal on another one and I must say I just LOVE the colour of this one. Tell him for me that he looks real good in that one:-) Hugs xox

  5. That chair fits like a glove June.

  6. Susie,

    Yes, we've had several La-Z-boys recliners and have always liked them.

    But I think this is the nicest one we've ever had.
    Have never had a sofa, tho.


  7. Hi Peter,

    Yep, it does! :) ... a big glove!


  8. LOL- Pea,

    Now - calm down!! heehee-
    Yep- yer up for the Oscar award!

    He really is pleased with that chair!
    I spends a lot of time in his recliner so I'm glad he was able to get a new one.
    (He is never able to sleep through the night in bed- He has Sleep Apnea and has used that breathing mask for several years now...He can never sleep through the night-but snoozes in his chair!)

    :0 now he will be more comfortable !


  9. Now THAT'S a serious chair! And a very handsome one, too. It looks so comfy -- I'm afraid I'd curl up in it when he wasn't looking. I wouldn't get anything done at all.

  10. Morning Glory,

    Yes! It is very comfy! And 'I' get to sit in it for the morning news! ;)


  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "Life is Good"
    I am a big fan of those tee shirts!
    I need one that says...
    "Life is Fogelberg" *giggle*

  12. ;) Yes! I could go for one of those!

    Who is the Fogelberg Fan I have here?


  13. Hi June ~~ Great chair and Charles looks good in it. Sorry he has trouble sleeping, as I think you do also. Just
    as well you enjoy your music so much.
    The marbles story was a nice one and I found the pendant among the bedslothes.
    Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  14. Hi Junie, I like the colour of the chair and looks charles looks so content and comfortable in it

  15. What a beautiful recliner! I'm glad you get a turn in it too! :) (Hmm... maybe YOU'D sleep better in a recliner than in that soft bed, too!??)

  16. Hi Skye,

    Yes- I could probablty rest better in that chair than in that soft bed ! Might have to give it a try!


  17. Jeanette,

    Thanks for coming by. Yep- he loves that nea chair- I do too- It's very comfortable.


  18. Hi Merle,

    Yes- he likes the new chair a lot..

    Will check your site later today-I always enjoy what you post .


  19. That looks like one comfy chair! I'm happy to hear your day turned out good even with the bumps.
    Music and a coversation with a friend .... what could be better.

  20. Hi Janet,

    Thanks for visiting me here- Yep- a comfy chair-
    LOL- tho my usual one is this one in front of my computer!

