Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More about John Travolta

This is more about John Travolta and how he came to choose Anthony/Ocala as his home.


This is a funny little personal story that I would like to share...


Although I try to pretend that I am not the type to become 'star-struck',
I must admit our whole family become real excited
with the news a few years back of John Travolta's plans to build a house here!

For a while I just didn't believe it! The thought of a 'movie star'
building a house in Anthony just filled me with giggles!
It's not that I don't think Anthony is a wonderful place to live...
it is! It's the best! But that's for a country girl like me!

This is John Travolta!
I wondered what a movie star would find to like about this country setting.

Would John Travolta be interested in the wildflowers of spring -
the wild phlox, in shades of pink, lavender and white that cover
roadsides and meadows? (and which so overwhelm me with their beauty!)
Would he like the board fences of the huge horse and cattle farms;
set among the gently rolling hills?
Would he find it an adventure, as I do , to explore the small
and charming towns of our north/central Florida?
Would he seek the sunsets across the lakes, as I love to do?
I thought of all these things as news of this plan kept surfacing!

In time, we began to see signs of change at the property
just 2 miles from our place in Anthony;
the property including the air strip that had attracted the attention of
John Travolta!

In the early stages, this property was open and people were able to drive in and ride around the acres of mostly uncleared land. Once my husband and I drove around in there-just to see what was going on. I expected - not a lot- and that was about right, too!

It seemed the properties were not selling so fast! I thought,"Not that much demand for access to an air strip in our little community of Anthony." We had read that only people who owned planes would be able to buy and build homes there!

We DID see that one thing of interest had been built. It appeared to be a sort of clubhouse...or rec center! (I thought!) It was interesting- with the look of a small airport terminal! We were able to drive right up to a fence that surrounded this building. We saw nothing to identify this building and we saw no people around ! We left, still perplexed...wondering ..."Why build such an elaborate building for a recreation center or, whatever it was, when no homes had yet been built!

Soon after this, a booth was built at the main entrance of these properties, beautifully, but not extravagantly, landscaped. A sign was erected! Not a showy entrance, at all!


Sometime later my husband and I had to laugh at our innocence or maybe , our ignorance, after seeing the Travolta home featured in a magazine!

What we had seen on the ride through the properties that day had not been some kind of recreation building at all!

It was the Travolta home, built to look like a small airport terminal.

Sometimes when my husband and I ride out in the country to catch the sunset, I wonder if John Travolta is seeing it from the observation deck of his home on the air strip in Anthony!

I hope he is!

...And I hope he notices these too!



  1. How cool is that Junie? John Travolta for a neighbor. I've loved that guy for years...I think he's talented, humble and kindhearted. Let me know if you ever run into him in your travels around town. I bet he's a great guy to just chat with.

  2. Hi Joy,

    ;) I'll be looking. It would be cool to meet him!

    If you want to read more about him-check out these sites on the web- Ocala Star Banner is writing a lot about him -with this new movie coming out!


  3. Hi June, thats cool having John Travolta as a neighbor, he is the ambassador for Qantas Airline and pops over to visit Oz every now and then.

  4. Hi Peter,

    Yes, it is kinda fun to ride down the road and see his plane is at home!

    He spends a lot of time here.

    Hopefully, I will run into him some day.


  5. That's very cool, Junie! I really hope you see him sometime. From your descriptions, I can see why John would like living in your area!

    (I have to say I liked Florida, too, at least the parts I saw while I was down there last weekend. Not Miami, though! Miami was horrible! But the rest was very nice. :) )

  6. Hi Skye,

    Thanks for visiting.

    Yes, it's kinda neat to have a big movie star in our town- not that I ever expect to see him- but you never know!

    I love our area here but a star like John Travolta doesn't have the freedom that an ordinary person does- just to enjoy what's out there to see! Lol- and I imagine what we have here is pretty tame compared to what he's been used to!

    But he seems to like it here.

    We lived in Miami until 19 years ago when we moved up here. Miami just got too big for us! We lived in Cutler Ridge (North of Homestead and Florida City- south of Miami)
    Miami in the old days was a really nice place to live.

    I grew up in South Florids-Miami area!

    These days, I like it where we are much better.


  7. That's awesome, Junie! And if I lived there, I'd be seeing and appreciating all the lovely things you enjoy. It sounds like such a pretty place to live.

  8. Morning Glory,


    Yes, there's much to enjoy here in our every day lives!

    ;) ...and having a movie star in our town is kind of fun too - not that I ever expect to meet him- or see him! LOL- but I see his plane at home , often!


  9. I bet he would be quite down to earth should you run into him!!
    Keep that camera in your purse just in case!!

  10. Hi Tammy,

    From what I have heard he is a nice person.

    I hope if I ever do run into him I can get a photo! :)

    I'll ask!


  11. I so enjoyed learning how John Travolta came to live over there!! I had read in a magazine about his building a house that resembled an airport...little did I know that was just 2 miles from you!! He is so good with his fans..he's the #1 celebrity when it comes to signing autographs. He's just a doll!! xox
