Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Travels With Charlie: Our WHO Adventure

With a lot of excitement and haste, after our daughter came up and gave us the tickets,(printed them out from internet) we prepared for that unexpected trip to Tampa to see The Who concert.

I have never got things together in such a short time before. I am one who likes things well planned out and everything double and triple checked before a trip, but it just couldn't be that way-this time! So I went with what I had to work with- and with a SONG in my heart; a WHO song!! ...I wanted to get on the "Magic Bus!" I tried to get it all together and 'get on with it' - and we did- in record time!

Quarter mile from home I said,"Oh, did I unplug the iron?"...Better safe than sorry, so we go back to make sure! Yes-I had done that!

On our way at 3:30 for the 7:30 concert at the Ford
Amphitheatre, Florida State Fairgrounds, in Tampa. We left in plenty of time for the less than 2 hour drive - even accounting for the afternoon traffic!
Traffic was heavy, nonetheless.

We stopped for a burger because we had decided we might not have enough time before the show. We got back on the expressway in under 15 mins.- It was about this time I realized I had forgotten to bring our binaculars...much needed with the seats we would have. So it would be necessary to find a Wal-Mart store before the show! A must!

Before long,I saw a sign that said, 'Tampa, 18 miles." So we thought we still had plenty of time.

It was soon after this that traffic came to almost a complete stop. Probably a wreck somewhere ahead. We were able to move forward- only at a snail's pace! Oh my! Charlie hates these kinds of things! (as most of us do!) LOL- I had brought along one of my WHO cds to play for Charles on the way! After awhile I thought I'd better end the music! LOL That traffic was quite stressful!
(BTW-we never saw any sign of there having been an accident!)

Finally-FINALLY- the traffic started to move again-and we could begin to watch for our turn-off from I-75. It came up pretty soon...We found our street...but with no directions of which way to turn there...OF COURSE- we turned the wrong way! Soon realized we needed to go the opposite way and reversed our direction...finding the Howard Johnson's, at last!
(A trip that should have taken us less than 2 hours- had taken us more than twice that long!)

By the time we got checked in and -ME- dressed in my WHO Tee shirt- It was past 7:30!
...And with no hopes or time to buy Binaculars!

We set out for the place of venue...again making a few wrong turns!.... I got Charlies' attention and got this pic of him at a traffic light.

He said after seeing this on my camera,"WHO am I and what the h**L am I doing here!!" ;)

Then I said , "Smile!" and he did! :)

( You gotta realize that was a hard trip!)

Here am I , after we finally arrive at the Fairgrounds!

Happy! Happy!

We were late and so were a lot of other folks. We knew, though, that these shows always have another band to open we felt confident that we hadn't yet missed any"WHO!"

We arrived at the stadium by way of a bus provided for the ones who had to park far out! We got on the "Magic Bus" and were there in a flash!

Wow!! I couldn't believe it! Here I was, at last, at my first WHO concert!! I hurried on ahead, in great anticipation of what was to come - and soon! Found our seats-way up- but ok with the big screens !

We caught just the tail end of the opening band's performance. (Some group I did not know!)

At 8:40 The Who took the stage! Pete Townshend started out with the Familiar chord riff of
'I Can't Explain!' Most in the audience were immediately on their feet- with cheers- Me included! (Had to be, if I wanted to see!)


A very weird day - considering ALL of the events!

Hopefully, my WHO day will come !

(...wishing SPEEDY, good health for Roger!!)




  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I'm so sorry you didn't get to see the Who. I've never seen them either. Are you going to the March25 show, or is Tina going to refund the tickets?


  2. Hi Terry,

    Thanks-It was such a weird day- the whole thing!

    I know you and Zach are both Who fans and I was thinking of you yesterday.

    We do plan to go back on the 25th. ...But- you know- Roger might not recover very soon , to resume this tour! I sure hope he does!

    I saw videos on YouTube of them IN NY , just 2 days before and They were great!

    Ithink Tina would want me to try again! :)


  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Aw I'm sorry that happened, but at least it gave you a story to tell! haha. and it's good that they're honoring the tickets later on.

    I think you should share the after-show story on here. =]

    love you!

  4. Hi Alli,


    Well, it sure was some kinda weird day! ( even one more little bit that I didn't put in- but will tell the family- or Gabbo will!...It's one of those "Gabbo" things!

    Hopefully-I WILL have a WHO concert in my near future to tell about! Hope Rog recovers quickly!



  5. Oh, Junie!!
    I mentioned to Scott that you'd gone to see a WHO concert, and he said, "Is that the one that was canceled after the first song?" and I said, "No, it can't be! She looks really happy in the pictures!" But then, I read to the end of the post, and there it was. :( I'm really sorry that happened. Any idea what's wrong with Roger? I wonder why he waited till the first song to cancel, instead of doing it earlier before everyone made the drive out there?

    Anyway, I think you SHOULD go to the rescheduled concert, if Charles will be willing to endure that drive again, and I really hope all the WHOs are well by then.

    Did you have any fun after the non-concert to cheer yourselves up?

  6. Hi Skye,

    That link to the story in the Tampa paper explains things a little bit! Apparently Roger is very ill with Bronchitis. I guess he thought he could do the show but just couldn't! Actually, he didn't sing at all- They started the first song but just did a little of the opening guitar riffs! (Pete Townshend) Roger Daltrey, I'm sure you know, is the lead singer of the band-so there was no way to do the show without him!

    Yes, we will go back- that is- if they are able to do the show on the 25th.

    The Who have been on this long concert tour for several months- and , in fact- 2 nights before this concert in Tampa, they were in NY and did an excellent show! I saw it on YouTube and also a friend of mine was there! Roger was in top form then!

    I sure hope Roger is able to recover-and quickly!

    Seeing The Who is something I have wanted for a long time!

    As for the trip to Tampa- it is not usually such a bad trip- in fact-our return today was done in one and one half hours! :) (so you can imagine how bad yesterday was for us!!)


  7. Oh Junie,
    How disappointing after all that. When I saw the link I thought perhaps the power went out or something!
    Well, at least you have a 2nd chance to see them and can take the binoculars this time!!

  8. Still sounds like you had a good time even with the travel woes and the sick band member - maybe next time will be even better. ec

  9. Hi junie Sorry the show didnt go ahead after your travelling mishaps ,well at least you will know the way next time.

  10. Hi Susie,

    Yes it was disappointing to have that happen! Hopefully, we will be able to see them on the 25th. if Roger recovers and is able to continue with the tour!


  11. Hi Jan,

    Yes, if the show is able to go on the 25th. we'll be there and it should go better as for the traveling!
    That traffic tieup was awful!

    The trip that took 4 hours on the way down was one and 1/2 on the return trip!!!


  12. ec,

    Yes, we had some fun, even with all the upsets!

    These tickets were a gift from our daughter so I was real disappointed the show didn't go on! (for that reason too!)

    Hopefully they will be able to perform on the 25th.



  13. what an upset!!
    Bless your heart, I hope you get another chance!!

  14. Well now you have something else to look forward to....get an early start, unplug that iron, and put those binac's in you purse and carry them around until the day of the show......You know where you are going now and take snacks just in case this happens again.....I crack up every time I look at your Charlie's face, and then with that forced smile....

  15. Thanks,


    It was a disappointment but maybe we will get to see them on the 25th!

    Thanks for the advice, that was such a rushed trip....Really got read within a couple hours!
    No wonder I forgot things!

    :0 just seemed like everything was going against us...! :) Yah! I captured Charlie's mood very well in that first picture ! haha- but he DID GOOD- considering that he's NOT a Rock music fan at all!
