Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring Flower Show

Today was another perfect spring day so Charlie and I took advantage of it!
We went to this spring flower festival a few miles from our house.

Wow! What an array of beautiful flowers! We didn't buy much but got some ideas of what we want to get when we re-work our garden!

We DID buy 2 Butterfly bushes and a Bleeding Heart plant! There were many Roses but I decided to wait on those until after I check out what I need to replace.


Later in the afternoon I spent some time evaluating my rose garden! Sadly, I have neglected it far too long! I will have to replace several bushes...but want to be sure to get high quality plants! I will get fewer roses, but good ones -as opposed to more of the least expensive ones!

That's my plan!

Some pictures of our day~


~a poem about neglect~

Just As A Flower Withers

Just as a flower withers,
deprived of proper care,
so will love, neglected,
begin to fade away.

Needing only nourishment
- essential to excel-
still, sometimes the price
is more than we can pay.

Or more than we are willing …
more effort to extend…
more of ourselves required
than we’re prepared to give.

So love is left to falter,
to die from dire neglect
…just as a garden flower-
forgotten- cannot live!

June Kellum


  1. Hi June ~~ What a great Flower Show
    that you and Charles went to. The flowers look lovely and it makes you know that Spring is on the way.

    Thanls for your visit and comments.
    Glad you enjoy. Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. What a great day you had. Flowers always make people feel wonderful. I guess you had a good dose of wonderful. Don't you just love spring? Have a great day.

  3. Hi Shelly,

    Yes, it was a good day-I love flowers-especially roses. Spring is here for us! Hope spring is getting on where you are too!


  4. Hi Merle,

    Yes, we enjoyed the spring flower show a lot! NOW-I'm all set to get on with getting my flowers going here at our place!

    I won't have time for reading blogs till later. Have an appt. today for my dreaded mammogram! ;(

    See you later,


  5. I love going to nurseries...I use to work in one when I worked at Franks Nursery and Crafts....I really was in the Craft dept. but when Spring arrived everyone took there turn in the nursery....and it was anyway, then it was a pain....LOL.....I miss my hubby in the Spring, for he was a wiz in the yard....and we use to love to go to flower markets, like you and Charlie.... I'm happy you had such a nice day......and I'm impressed with your poem....very nice......

  6. Thanks, Judy,

    It was good to be out and look at all the flowers...and I've got the gardening urge going now- Would have done some work today but had an appt. (at 2:00) which messed up my whole day!

    Happy you liked the poem-


  7. I so would have enjoyed going to that flower show with you! I love anything like that but none will be held here for a couple of months yet. That rose you took a picture of is just breathtaking!! Love the poem you wrote too:-) xox

  8. Pea,

    I would love to have a girlfriend like you to go to these kinds of things with me!...C. likes flowers but he doesn't like to look as much as I do! :)

    Glad you like the poem. It's not a new one. In fact, I have posted it before- but I thought it kind of fit with this post.

    And it's true -for both flowers and relationships.

    BTW-That rose with the poem is from my own rose garden last year.


