Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Dan!

Today is Dan's birthday!

NO! He isn't that little 3 year old any more!

Life happens ! Kid's grow up!

Looking back on those early days I realize they were some of the best of my life...those days of being 'Ginga' to my grandkids! And THIS boy started it all! ( even gave me the name!) ;)

Happy 24th. Birthday, Dan!

We'll have a Birthday get-together on Sunday!



  1. What a lovely picture, Junie! I can just see how much little Dan loved his Ginga (and still does, I'm willing to bet!)

    I am so looking forward to that time in my life! Grandparent/grandchild relationships can be so very special, as you know. I just hope my grandkids live near enough for me to be actively involved in their lives! But, as my Gran taught me, I can keep that special bond alive no matter the distance.

  2. Thanks, Skye.

    Being a granny was a very special time in my life-and I was lucky enough to be able to be involved with all 4 of my grandkids! And- we are all stil close!

    ...AND I have read how close you were to your gran. I know losing her was a terrible loss for you.


  3. They grow in a hurry!

    Sorry about the WHO having to xl. But you still have that to look forward to :)

  4. hi Carolyn,

    Yes-looking at pics can really take you back and make you happy and sad at the same time!

    ...and my music involvement has happened since my job as granny ended! ;) I'm counting on the WHO show on the 25th.- but it will depend on how soon (or if) Roger Daultry gets ok!


  5. The years fly by don't they? Happy Birthday to Dan!!

  6. Thanks Sue,

    Yes, the years fly!

    You remind me so much ( the devotion and caring for your grandkids) of the way it was with ours!

    ...Those were the best years of my life!!


  7. Have a fun b-day get together.

    Happy Birthday to DAN!!!!

  8. Thanks, Jamie D

    We will!

  9. Anonymous7:57 PM

    we're not going to be able to come for Bubba's party-i have to work-Tell him Happy Birthday for us!
    We are going to try for next week.



  10. Hi Tam,

    I'm sorry you won't be able to come up- but hope you can next week.... I guess it will be an early in the day kinda thing , as Dan does his comedy- week ends - at night.

    You heard that I 'almost' got to see THE WHO?

    Love you all,

