Saturday, April 14, 2007

Chili Update

(click on photos to enlarge)

...So here we are at the end of the chili cook-off day!
Yes, another Chili cook-off 'under our belts,' so to speak! ;) It's all 'behind us' now!

And both of these terms are pretty descriptive... for some of us more than others!

lol-ok - no more puns for now! Lets just say we had a hot, old time today!

I know some of you have been waiting , on pins and needles, to hear how Charlie's chili did! Sadly, it did not win...not even 4th prize! :(

However, there's an up side...He brought a lot back home...which means I won't have to cook for a day or so!! YAY!!

It was a fun afternoon...with ages ranging from infants to old codgers like Charles and me! Perhaps some even older!
Lots of lively conversations and reliving the old days, between the retired policemen-which was a big portion of the guests!

I got a few pics- not as many as I wanted because my picture card got full! (Wal-Marts fault-as their machine was down when I went to get my pictures printed! So, I couldn't clear my card!)


Here are some pics -in no particular order~ some at home and some at the gathering.




  1. Anonymous1:06 AM

    I see Gabbo got a hair cut. Looks good.

  2. Hi Marc,

    Gabbo is wondering how you can tell he got a haircut-since he has his hat on in all the pictures!
    Maybe it's because now the hat fits down over his head! haha


  3. I'm just glad I'm not walking behind any of you! LOL Oh Junie, sounds like a really fun day was had!! Loved all the pictures...the decorations were so colourful! What a shame Charles' chili didn't place...if I lived nearby, I'd come over to help you eat it:-) Have a wonderful Sunday my friend! xox

  4. Hi Pea,

    :) yes, it was fun. These ppl are really set up well for outdoor entertaining. They have built this little cabin- like a hunting cabin-equipted with everything needed for cooking-etc -and even have a small bandstand near by, where we sometimes are treated to live music (tho not this time- except for some of the kids who were there.

    Charles enjoyed the day very much-getting together with some of the guys he worked with in the past.
    He didn't mind that his chili didn't win! :) He'll have a lot to eat , himself! He makes it a little too hot for me! (I'm not a big chili eater anyway!)



  5. Looks like a fun day and as you say, the good thing is you won't have to cook for a bit!

  6. Too bad, Charles didn't win the chili cook-off... I KNEW you should have driven it there on the Victory! ;) Well, as long as he doesn't mind, then it doesn't matter. :)

    That was brave of you, wearing a WHITE shirt to a chili cook-off!! Hope you didn't have any accidents! I'm not much of a chili eater either... well, I only like very mild chili, so that limits my chili-eating a great deal! I'm glad you all had fun, anyway.

  7. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for visiting!

    Yes, it was a fun day for us.


  8. Hi Skye,

    There were a lot of chili pots there! :) He said he didn't expect to win...but he sampled most of the chili and he said his was definitely the best! :)

    As for my white shirt...I had to be VERY CAREFUL while eating...but I only had a small amount anyway!

    Charles makes his chili too hot for me!


  9. It looks like ya'll had a wonderful time!
    Just a note...if you have a Rite Aid or a CVS drugstore they make better pictures than Walmart in half the time!!

  10. Hi EB,

    Yes, it was a good day!

    I should try other places for my pictures, I know, because Wal-Mart's machine is often out of order> It's just that I'm used to trying to do all my stuff -groceries- etc- in one trip- and I'm usually not in that much of a hurry on my pics anyway! This time, tho, it would have been nice to have had more memory on my card!

    Hope you're having a good Sunday!


  11. Well, if I were judging the contest, Charles would have won first place.
    First place would have been that he has the "privilege" of cooking for me on a regular basis. :)
    I think it's great that he loves to cook!!!!
    I hope you love to eat!!! :0 :)

  12. :)

    Thanks, Jamie D.

    Yes, I do like it that Charles likes to cook (sometimes)
    His chili, tho, is a little too hot for me! I make it a bit milder-and he adds hot sauce to his!! :0

    But I was happy to let him take over the chili making this time, and didn't even supervise!


  13. That looked and sounded like a fun day and I do like chili as well - but not as hot as some would make. I like a little warmth but not when you have to run to a water faucet. :) ec

  14. ec,

    It WAS a fun day and everyone enjoyed comparing the different chilis. (except me-I only ate a little of C's)
    Honey was an ingriedent in one of the chili pots,so we heard! :) I don't think I would like that!

    Like you-I don't like my chili extremely hot!

