Monday, April 09, 2007


Dis day = dark, dreary, dull, dim, dank, damp, drizzly, droopy, dismal,

Duck-Worthy (But I'm not a duck!)
...decidedly- depressing!

...Hey! This is supposed to be the
Sunshine State,
isn't it?

Who can I blame for this drippy day that has left me definitely disenchanted and with my spirits dangling?


Some photos of this water doused, day here on da farm!

  • Delightfully sunny flowers in shoe planter~ but fake ones!
  • Displeased doggy under Cedar tree
  • Drenched garden banner
  • Drippy rose
  • Droopy rose
  • Drowned Orange blossoms
  • Decent and cozy Blue Bird house

AND- what's for dinner, Dear?

CAN we have one of these, please ?


(visit a fun blogspot here!)


  1. Awwww dear Junie, I wish I could send you some sunshine but it hasn't been around here either! lol We've had snow flurries on and off the last few days and it's just staying so darn cold! We're way below our average temperatures for this time of year. I wish I had your flowers to brighten up my crocuses refuse to open, I think they're scared! lol I'll have the Sloppy Joes please:-) xoxo

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Hi Pea,

    The weather has been so weird here! It's turned COLD again and rained most of the day!
    I had to turn the heat on-and that's unusual for this time of year!

    Oh well- I know you folks up north are sick of the cold and snow so I shouldn't complain! :)

    LOL- Chas. chose the soup for his dinner and I had Ravioli for a late lunch so am not eating anything else for awhile!
    (Some nights I just hate the thoughts of cooking!!)


  3. You're way too funny. Even in the dreariness, your photos are lovely. That boot planter is cute, cute, cute!

  4. Thanks, MG,

    If I can bring smiles to faces-that's a big + for me!

    Yes, I like that boot planter too-In fact we have 2 of them! They are at our front entrance to this little courtyard area we have. I tried growing real flowers in them but they dried out too quickly- so now I usually have fake flowers and change them with the seasons!
    Lots of room for real flowers around here too!


  5. Depending on how hungry one is, any of those cans look good. The photos look good too but in a different way. :) ec

  6. Thanks, ec,

    Somedays I just don't feel like doing more than opening a can of something! But-you're right-all of that is good food!

    And I know the other pictures are nice too- it was just a bit of a gloomy day! lol-I played it up to be worse than it actually was, tho!


  7. Our day was a bit chilly, but lovely and sunny.
    I guess we stole your sunshine today!

    All those D words. Damn!
    Oops, I cussed.
    I meant to say, Darn! :)

    Tina Fahey is AWESOME.
    Great article on your daughter and the IV team.
    I am an expert on receiving IVs due to my many surgeries. I appreciate a good IV putter inner.

  8. ;) JD-I soooo wanted to use that 'D' word too- but just couldn't bring myself to shatter the illusion that some folks have of Junie Rose here!! hahaha!

    ....About Tina- she really is awesome when it comes to doing the IVs. She was always being called to 'FIX' IVs that other nurses had messed up! (the poor patients!) She was working in pre-op.
    So she suggested that they needed a special IV team-and they finally agreed to it! That's all she does now on her regular shifts! Apparently this is something that does not come easily to a lot of nurses-but Tina became expert at it right from the beginning.

    :0 You would like the way she handles that needle, Jamie Dawn!


  9. Junie, I don't see the award on your sidebar, so I'd like to convey that I chose YOUR BLOG for the award!---

    DROP BY HERE by clicking on the link, and scroll down to get your award for your blog! ---click on the award then, save image.

  10. Anni,

    What a very nice surprise! Very unexpected that anyone would give me this honor.

    My blog is just family stuff, mostly, and just for fun!

    I'm very pleased that others find it enjoyable reading sometimes!


    Now I need to figure out how to put that on my sidebar! :) and pick 5 others of my own choice to give the award to! That part will be hard!

