Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Brian!

Tonight we were invited out to dinner for our grandson's birthday! Although today is actually the day we were unsure if this would be the day we would celebrate it! We usually end up getting together on the weekends for birthdays!

It was
just the 5 of us...Tina, Brian and Alli - Charles and me!

We went here! Yummy! One of my favorite places to dine! I had a wonderful combination sea food platter. ...And great coffee in this attractive cup! (front & back view) I was hoping they had some for sale up front- but they didn't! :( I'd love to have some of these cups!


...And - back to this age thing...

Brian is '22' today! Now - if that won't make a granny feel old-nothing will! ;)

AND ...his brother is 2 years ahead of him!

Yikes! There's proof that I must be getting on up there!
(unless I can convince folks I got married at age 13 - and so did my daughter!) LOL- that would give me a few years to juggle!

...Not that I would want to do that...My life has been full and happy - SO far...


Here is a picture of Bri on his 4th. birthday-with his brother, Dan!

And here are Brian and Allison, today!

Happy Birthday, Brian!



  1. Happy Birthday to your Brian!
    Time just races by, doesn't it :)

  2. Thanks, Susie.

    Yes-time passes too quickly!
    Seems like my grandkids should still be little...but you can see, even our baby, Alli, is almost grown-up!


  3. Yummy! I love seafood!! :) My favorite is crab legs.

    Happy Birthday to Brian!! He certainly has grown a bit since age four, hasn't he?!?

  4. Hi Skye,

    Yep-my babies are all grown up!

    Thanks for visiting and your birthday wishes.


  5. Happy Birthday to Brian!

  6. Got ya beat. My oldest grandson is 32 (girls' dad).

    Happy birthday to Brian.

  7. Hi Ann,

    And thanks for the greeting for Brian.

    :) yah- you got me beat - but just a little bit!


  8. Happy Birthday to Brian!! Such a handsome man he's grown up to be:-) The years certainly do seem to rush by...but you and I are still only 29 right? RIGHT???? hehe xox

  9. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Happy Birthday Brian...what a handsome guy. You sure have a wonderful clan Junie.

  10. Hi June ~~ I hope Brian had a wonderful birthday. Makes us feel old doesn't it? My eldest grandchld
    will be 30 this year. Joan Collins is
    remarkable isn't she?
    Thanks for your comments on my daughter and the welcome back. It is great to be back with all my friends.
    Take care June, Love, Merle.

  11. Hi,
    Pea and Joy,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Yes, my Brian is a handsome young man. isn't he!
    And , yes, the years certainly DO rush by in a flash!

    Lol- and Pea, if you are 29 that STILL puts me up into my late 40s!
    ( Oh! don't I wish!!!) ;)

    Love you all,


  12. Happy belated B-day to Brian.

    Brian's Ginga LOVES him!!!! :)

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Thanks, JD!

    ;) Yer right! The Ginga loves all the Grands!


