Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Another May Day

Today has been a better day. The sky is clearer so, hopefully, the wildfires around the state are under control!

I went shopping for food and other stuff...Found my Wal-Mart in a terrible disarray.
They are remodeling and switching things around! Not so cool- IMHO-as you all know how I hate change! Oh, well , I just did the best I could...still managed to give them lots of my $!

First off-with spring in the air-and all the blogger girls talking about flowers etc- I got caught up in ideas for my flowers and gardens! Since I had a lot of shopping to do I decided to shop out the garden center first-so I could load up my plants and then go on to do groceries... I had some cash in my wallet so I thought I'd have enough for my flowers without having to write a check. ( Well, I didn't want to write 2 checks....) Lol- turned out my flowers came to over $50.00...had to make up the last 2 dollars in nickles and pennies -but that was ok!

Here's what I got!

I plan to make an Herb Garden-so I bought Parsley, Sage Rosemary, Thyme, Dill, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Lavender...I think that's all!

The 'Caladiums' (the big leafed plants) I got to plant in Mom's garden.

And the 'Moss Rose' plants I got to plant around my bird bath in the rose garden!

...And I couldn't resist this little Faerie girl! She was on sale for just $7.00. She is about 12 inches tall! I thought she would be very happy among the herbs!

(Pea will think I'm copying her! :) Maybe I am!
Well- she has way cool ideas!)

Charlie's little Gator Gnome seems to be quite taken with her! Too bad they will soon have to part. The Gnome can't be put in the garden- so says Charlie!

AHHH! Tomorrow I will put this garden together...I have a few other characters to add! :) Will be fun!


As I have mentioned, I have trouble sleeping most nights. I have been taking Tylenol PM for some time now. It works, but I feel groggy in the morning!...A friend of mine recommended *Melatonin.* I had never heard of it but decided to give it a try to see how it works for me!
I found it today! Here it is!
Hope it works!

LOL-Anyway the bottle is a pretty, spring-like color!

( Click photos to enlarge )


Junie Rose


  1. too have been bitten by flower fever...hey, I don't care what anyone says Walmart has nice flowers and the prices are more reasonable...that faerie as an example...I went to some nursery's today that would knock your socks off with some of their pricing...but people were buying like nobody's business...even some of the ladies I was with bough hundreds of dollars worth...jiminiy!!!

  2. I like your flowers and the plans for your gardens. It all sounds so cheery.

    Regarding the Tylenol PM: I take just one tablet fairly often, but not every night, and I find that it's best if I take it between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. Any later than that and I'm groggy in the a.m., but if I do it that way, I usually wake up pretty well.

    Good luck with the new stuff.

  3. Melatonin is GOOD, Junie! I've used it before, and it helps me get to sleep easily... with no side effects in the morning! Hope it works for you too! You might try the 3mg version if the 5mg seems like too much.

  4. Heyyyyy are you copying me???? hehe Copy me all you want my friend! lol I know how faeries love to be in gardens and with the beautiful flowers you have, she will be very happy there:-) Growing your own herbs is a wonderful idea and there's nothing like fresh herbs in your cooking!! Yummmm! I do hope the Melatonin helps you...lately I've been sleeping so well, my problem is waking up in the morning! lol xoxo

  5. EB-

    Yes, I find Wal-Mart more reasonable than-Lowe's or other nurseries .

    Wow -those new lady friends of yours spend a lot of $$ on plants. Well-I do too but not usually at one time> :)

    But I don't know of a better way to spend your $$$. What's better than flowers?


  6. MG,

    Thanks for visiting. I hope to get on that garden plan today.

    I decided to cut that pill in half as a couple people said a 5 mg might be too strong...well, I had trouble getting to sleep with that (even tho it was very late when I went to bed) so I will try the whole 5 mg tonight!

    Will see how it goes...

    Hope you're having a good day.


  7. Dear Skye,

    Thanks for your comments! I really had not heard of this until a friend mentioned it .(but also said that 5mg might be too high) I cut the pill in half but had trouble getting to I will try the full pill tonight, see how that works!

    Hope things are going well for you and all your plans are falling into place for your wedding!


  8. Hi Pea,

    LOL- happy you're not mad at me for using the little faerie in my garden!

    I grew herbs a couple years ago and found they are a pleasure to grow. Some are very attractive plants and make good dried arrangements as well as being so good in cooking!
    I like to tie them in small bunches and hang them , upside down, at my kitchen window! Wonderful aroma! Maybe you should try a few in your gaden!


  9. Im so jealous. I dont have a gardening bone in my family. Hope have a good day

  10. Hi Amy,

    Welcome to my place. I don't think I've see you here before! I'm always happy to have new people stop by. Hope you come again and I will visit you when I can!

    LOL- WELL I'm 'tired to the bone' at the moment from doing my garden thing today. Get the little herbs planted and with mulch over the whole bed! Now- if my dog will just stay out of it I'll be happy!

    Thanks for coming by.


  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    My wife loves the same flowers you got. BTW, she has trouble sleeping and has tried both the melatonin (we got it online at and another product they carry called "Healthy Sleep Support" She's had varying success. I've tried the second one and like it better. Doesn't leave me groggy and is all natural. If the melatonin doesn't work for you, try this.
