Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Beautiful Spring Day~

It's a beautiful spring day! I should be out doing gardening stuff but don't feel up to it!
It will all be there when I'm ready to do it so I'm not gonna worry about it right now!
But I do want to get my roses planted before the week-end!
(Mom in 1994)
I'm thinking of Mom as Mother's Day comes around once again. I want to take her some new flowers( before the week-end) and just be there for a little bit! I know she's not there at that place...but still, I find comfort going there!

This Mother's Day we expect to have the whole family here! I am looking forward to that! Will try to come up with something simple (but yummy) for our lunch, so less time will have to be spent in the kitchen!


Hope you're all having a beautiful day!




  1. I had good thoughts about planting...but after my therapy today I didn't feel so hot and it is humid like it might rain...maybe I'll wait till it cools off a litte...hmmm!!

  2. I couldn't make myself get going in that direction either!

    One big problem we're having right now is SMOKE. There, apparently, are fires around somewhere because the whole area of Ocala is dense with smoke! We sure need some rain here!

    ...anyway, will have to put my gardening off for another day!

    PS- Hope you get to feeling better- and ME TOO!


  3. It's really warm here today, too hot to be working in the garden. Did a little shopping therapy instead :)
    I'm missing my Mom like crazy right now. Mother's Day is the very worst time for me, since she passed very close to that time.

  4. Hi Susie,

    I'm sorry you're feeling sad too. My mom has been gone 4 years this past January, and still I miss her very much.

    I didn't get any gardening done-conditions are just too yucky right now..The air is full of ash from the fires around our state. None near us, tho...so far>... Just the smoke and bits of ash!


  5. I know how much you're missing your mom, especially right now...I go through the same thing when it's Father's Day and like you, I love spending time at the gravesite, bringing flowers and just enjoying being there. What a shame about all the smoke hovering over you...it's no wonder you didn't want to be out there to plant your roses! Ugh! xox

  6. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for your understanding! I have devoted a whole blogsite to my mom's memory...still my feelings often come out here, too! But I guess that's ok and probably the way it's susposed to be. We can't help missing the loved ones we've lost!

    Yes, conditions are bad here, with the smoke, but not nearly as bad as for the people near where the fires are!

    I'm just hoping for a lot of cool, cool, rain; the sooner the better!



  7. You have such love for your mother. I wish she could be with you on Mother's Day. I know how sad you must get especially on holidays.
    I'm grateful to have both my parents still alive and well. I do miss my dear Gramilo so much though. It would be so wonderful to be able to see her on Mother's Day. What a GREAT, miraculous gift that would be!!!
    We sure miss our loved ones who have died.
    I hope your Mother's Day is terrific. I'm sure your family will give you lots of hugs and kisses and love to show how much they love YOU!!!
    Frozen TV dinners would be easy to fix. :)

  8. Thanks, Jamie Dawn,

    Yes, I know we will always miss our loved ones that have passed on... The trick is to enjoy every day we have with the ones we love, because we never know just when it may end for us!

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, too, JD.

    :) tv dinners souunds like an excellent idea!!

