Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Garden work

A big part of this day was spent doing garden stuff...not the fun and easy stuff but the pulling of weeds! And not little puny, easy to pull type weeds but the ones that have roots that are determined to keep that plant in the ground!

These weeds masquerade as garden flowers and seem to think they belong right there among my roses- crowding them out, in fact!

Indeed, they are attractive in their own way. Butterflies and bees
are drawn to them- making me feel a little guilty in my resolve to get rid of them...however...I did tackle the job!

Here you see a before and after picture of the worst area. (Behind the fish pond) You can see how high and dense the weeds were in the before picture . And you can barely see a couple of roses there in the after picture! But they can be saved - I promise!

Who wouldn't prefer this!

Speaking of roses-my 'Old Country Roses' tea set came a couple days ago. Charles ordered this for my Mother's Day present! SO pretty! Nothing prettier than roses-IMHO!

I'm very tired tonight but it was worth it!
Before long we will have the back yard gardens looking grand! :)


Thanks to everyone for all your concern for my daughter, Tina.
She's doing well and expects to get back to work in about a week.




  1. Wow, you certainly did do a lot of weeding and it was very well worth it!! I know what you mean about some of those roots! Your roses are so very beautiful...mine won't be blooming for a while yet. My mom has the complete set of the Country Rose dad had bought her a 12 place setting set with all the accessories back in the early 1970's:-) xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    Can't wait to put another day into the gardens!! :) But I do feel I made good progress today!

    Oh -I love the Old Country Roses-and I also have a complete set for 12- and 2 cake plates and some other pieces! Lol- we seldom use it- but I love having it! I have had mine also since the late 1970s.

    When Alli was a baby she got into my china cabinet ( in the bottom) where I had some pieces of my set stored. She broke 2 cups! Yikes! It cost , as I remember it, $25.00 each to replace them!

  3. Hi June, it's good to hear that Tina is on the mend, when you finish with those weeds why don't you come and visit... I'll introduce you to their GREAT, GREAT GRAND PARENTS.

  4. Hi Peter,

    Thanks... I'm very relieved my girl is feeling better.

    Those weeds were monsters! But it's all our fault for letting things get so out of hand around here!

    ...see- here things don't really stop growing in the winter time- we have so little cold! (Probably where you are is similar)

    I keep trying for the perfect garden- but by mid-summer I am defeated!

    This time will be different! :)


  5. Oh Junie, I have the same tea set plus the service for 12 and serving pieces. I love that China and never get tired of setting the table with it.

  6. I cannot see the photos :( then again it is probably a good thing it would make me want to go out and so a little gardening myself, weeds we have many of those.

    I did get to see the roses "just beautiful"

    see you again.

  7. O! good I tricked blogger and came back in and guess what! yes I can see your garden and your beautiful teaset.

    It is all so nice and I am sure a nice cup of tea was needed after all that gardening.

  8. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Hi Lee-Ann,

    I'm happy you came back and tried again because I know you love looking at pretty things! (my roses- NOT my weeds! :) )

    Ahh- yes and my tea set is beyond pretty! I LOVE that Old Country Roses design!

    Thanks for coming.


  9. Hi MG,

    I remember reading that you also have the Old Country Roses. (also Pea says her mom has the whole set)

    I have the service for 12 too- and a few serving pieces. We don't use it a lot but It is beautiful to look at.


  10. Gardens are a lot of work...but so well worth it at the end. I so appreciate looking at beautiful gardens Junie. Those roses are so gorgeous, and that Tea Set is just lovely. Pace yourelf....Happy Gardening...

  11. Your flowers are pretty, Junie!

    And feel privileged... I have come to your blog on my wedding day!! :)

  12. Wow! A fellow weeder! I pulled weeds all day last Sunday in an effort to create an area for wild flowers in my paddock, here in North Yorkshire UK! I still ache!
    Your tea it English Pottery? Have seen lots of them here.


  13. HI-Mrs.Nesbitt-
    and welcome to Junie's Place.

    Yep- a fellow weeder here and I am at it again today!...Lots of work but it will be worth it in the end! This time I am determined to keep my roses and flowers going good all through the summer! (brave words because our summers are long and hot!!)

    Yes the Old Country Roses is an English fine china -Royal Albert/Daulton. I love that pattern!

    I want to check out your blogs. Went there and saw that you have a LOT going on so I will have to wait until I can have more time to explore! ...Saw in your profile that you like Moody Blues! That's a favorite group of mine, too! :)

    Thanks for coming by!

    Junie Rose

  14. the tea set is gorgeous as are your rose...

  15. Thanks , EB.

    ....Just came in from many more hours of work in the yard!!

    Have to stop for awhile!

  16. Beautiful garden and lovely all time favorite flower! But really, any flower could easily be my 'favorites'!!

    Nice tea set too!!!

    You've been tagged
    Go Here

  17. Thank, Anni! Happy you like my flowers.

    As for that tag- I can't figure it out...maybe because of being so tired...

    Hope you will not mind that I don't join in on this one! :(


  18. So glad to hear that Tina is doing better. Hooray!!

    Those roses are gorgeous!!!

    If I'm ever in Florida, I hope to stop by and have some tea.

  19. Thanks, Jamie Dawn,

    Yes, we are very thankful that Tina is doing better- but will still face surgery soon.

    :) Would love to have a cup of tea with you , with my pretty 'Old Country Roses' tea set!

