Friday, May 25, 2007


( click photos to enlarge )


Here is a progress report with my gardens! As you can see the area behind the fish pond is looking better. I fertilized those three pitiful little roses so I think they will come around !

And we finally got my birthday rose bushes planted - although still need to put mulch in this area! I outlined this bed with rocks. This is adjoining the fish pond area which Charles made and finished off with rocks.

Directly across the yard, next to the house, is 'Mom's little garden!

I left the plants that have come up from where the bird feeder was (we moved it) Will let those stay until they seed, for the birds- also there is one sunflower among the roses bushes but I want to leave it until it blooms, also!

This is that huge sunflower that came up in 'Mom's garden! It will be pretty for awhile longer, then I will remove the plant.

The last 2 photos show part of the areas we still have to clean out! But at least I have recently fertilized all of the roses and they are growing and blooming good!
(except for those 3 pitiful ones that were smothered by the weeds!)

Happy gardening, folks!


Junie Rose


  1. I love your garden!
    You and Charles are working hard, and your landscaping looks terrific.

    We will be getting sod put in soon, and then I plan to get a couple of bird baths and some bird feeders.
    One of these days, I hope to have a very inviting garden of lovely plants and flowers like yours.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend!!

  2. Don't work too hard Mz is a holiday weekend after all

  3. Jamie,

    Yes, it's hard work but I have always tried hard to keep my flowers-especially roses! :) I keep seeing empty spaces where I need just ONE MORE!

    I wish we had a better lawn here but we never had our place sodded -just went with the grass that grows naturally here (whatever that is!) I guess that's one thing that keeps me trying for more and more Flower/rose beds!

    Hope you and your family have are having a nice weekend!


  4. EB,

    :) I'm not doing much this weekend-as far as the yard goes!

    But -next week....look out weeds!!!

    Have a good weekend!


  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Doing well Junie it will get finished sometime!

  6. thanks!

    ...just do what I can each day

  7. It's no wonder you've been so sore lately...that's a whole lot of work you've been doing but oh how beautiful it is looking!! xox

  8. Thanks Pea,

    Still quite a lot to do....maybe next week.

    Very tired tonight so think I will try for sleep a little earlier.


  9. Gardening was so much more fun when my hubby was it is just a pure pain....and I mean that....Aleve, where is that bottle.....

    By the way, nice look lovely....

  10. Thanks Judy,

    It IS looking better-but I just about did myself in this week!!

    Hope to finish up next week with the rest of the rose beds.

