Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Remember me

This is a Video well worth your time!



  1. Hello June ~~ What a great Video, thanks for sharing. Glad you got to talk to sme old friends. Thanks for your comments, glad you liked the Handwriting on the Wall and the jokes
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Oh wow, Junie......that was killer. Definitely had a good cry and forwarded to everyone i know. We have a Nevada soldier missing in that incident that happened over the weekend. Thanks for sharing -- was a little dose of reality.

  3. Merle,

    Yes, I just had to share that with folks!


    Hope your computer woes are getting sorted out!


  4. Hi Bonnie,

    Yes,that video really got to me, so I wanted to share it with my blog readers.

    It makes us stop and think about what's important in our lives and to appreciate the ones who are fighting to keep our freedoms for us all!

    We should always show our greatest respect for our military!


  5. An awesome video my Rosie O'Bigmouth needs to see...I saw her spouting off on The View today saying whatever she wants because she only has "5 weeks left"...I think they should yank her off now after what she said today!!

  6. Pass the tissues please...Oh Junie, that video really pulls at the heartstrings doesn't it. Thank you so much for sharing it, I hadn't seen it before! xox

  7. EB,
    I was very touched by this video...always am, when I see our troops up close like this! I believe our military deserve our complete respect and appreciation.

    I am one who gets teary and choked up at the sight of our flag and can find nothing more beautiful than our Red,white and blue stars and stripes flying against a blue sky!

    I didn't hear what that Big mouth person said today-but can imagine it was vile-as that's all she spews!

    Thanks, EB,


  8. Pea,

    That vid got to me in a big way, too!


  9. Hi Junie,
    Great video. Our young neighbor is in Afghanistan for his third tour.
    Such a brave young Marine (as are all our service people)

  10. Hi Sue,

    This video touched my heart.
    I have only the highest admiration for our service men and women!


  11. Just a little misty-eyed right now Junie. Thank you for sharing that beautiful video....oh my heart.

  12. Wow - that really reached out and grabbed me - great video. ec

  13. Dear Joy
    and Mr Eddie,

    Thanks for looking.

    I got this from a niece who's young son-in-law has just left for Iraq...and will be gone at least for a year! (leaving a baby son) That has to be so hard!

    We all should , at least, look at these videos of our young people -and say a prayer each and every day for their safe return!

