Monday, May 21, 2007

Update ~May 21, 2007

Good morning all,

Just a short post to let you all know how things are going...

Yesterday Tina looked better and seemed to feel better. She has no word yet on how soon she will be able to come home. I was very happy to see her looking improved from the day before! I will just have to be patient!

My joking son, Chris, would say,"No, Mom, Tina is the patient!! :)

Chris used to bug his sisters , non-stop, with his jokes and weird sense of the point of them yelling," Leave me alone!" which he would say..."OK- How much you need?" ;)

Here we are in 1978...Me and my teenagers!

Back row~Chris and Tina
Front~ Tammy and Mom (June)

We will be going to see our daughter in the early afternoon~ hoping and praying for some good news!


Other news around the Kellum place...

We have been sprucing up Ma-Ma's garden the past few days!

This is a stepping stone we found at a yard sale and I just had to have it for Mom's little garden! It's perfect!

Charles got the little fountain working again. (We bought this with our last Christmas gift money from Mom - so it's dear to me! She would have been pleased with what we found to buy!) He also put down some fresh mulch and I planted some Caladiums. The little bench was a gift to me a couple years ago from Tina~ to use in Ma-Ma's garden! I love it! In fact I love all of the little garden! It's right outside my kitchen-nook window! I like to have my coffee there and watch the birds! Mom would have loved it, too.

Sunflowers came up from seeds that fell from the birdfeeder ...


..and these are some of my roses this week!

( click any pic to enlarge )

I hope we all have a good day today!




  1. So glad Tina's getting better, Junie!! Hope she comes home soon!

  2. Thank you, Skye. I expect Tina will be home in the next day or so.
    ( will have the surgery later)

    Thanks for taking the time to visit here. I know this is a very busy week for you with your wedding and honeymoon coming up so soon! (I know it's soon but don't remember the exact date)

    Best of luck to you and Scott...and happy times on your cruise!



  3. Praying Tina has a speedy recovery!
    The garden is so sweet!!

  4. EB,

    Thanks so much.


  5. Hi Junie:-) I'm glad you posted an update on Tina, I was wondering if she was doing any better. Prayers continue for her!! That little plaque you found for your mom's little garden is just perfect and I so love your fountain and bench!! How I would love to one day see all your beautiful roses for myself:-) We don't get sunflowers blooming here until later in the summer...they are considered Fall flowers here! Take care my friend! xoxo

  6. Hi Junie,
    Such good news that Tina will be home soon. I dearly love your mom's sweet garden. Bet she's smiling down loving it too!

  7. Thanks, Junie!
    It's Thursday... THURSDAY!!! :)

  8. Skye!

    :) You sound a little excited!!


  9. Hi Pea

    Thanks for coming by-and being interested in Tina. She was much better tonight and expects to come home tomorrow. The infections responded very well to the treatments.(However, the surgery is still ahead- but not right away!)

    I'm glad you both like my garden I made for Mom. I still have some flowers I want to add- probably in pots against the brick wall.



  10. Glad Tina seems better, hope this trend continues. Beautiful roses! ec

  11. EC,

    ...and today Tina was released to come home. She still is facing surgery a little way down the road, but for now she's ok.


    ...happy you enjoy my roses!


  12. Hi Junie,

    I'm so sorry to hear all that you and your daughter have been through lately - and I'm relieved to hear that she's doing better.

    I love the picture from 1978 - what a great capture. (Also, in one of your earlier posts, you mention an affinty for Pink Floyd - they're my husband's all time favorite band.)

  13. Hi Mella,

    What a very nice surprise, seeing you here!

    Thanks so much for your concern. My daughter says she's feeling a lot better today. ( still has surgery ahead-and quite soon, I think)

    :) happy you like the picture of us- in the olden days! haha

    ...and about Pink Floyd... COOL your husband likes that band! (Now didn't that sound just like a teenager of the past!!:) )

    ;) I get the feeling some of my readers find it a little weird that I am so into all that rock and prog rock of the 60s & 70s - but, Dang it, I missed out on a lot of good stuff and I feel it's never too late to make up for things missed along the way! Have been on a music adventure for a couple years!

    Pink Floyd was an awesome band-IMHO

    Your husband might enjoy that link I put at the bottom of that post!

    It's lot's of fun!!

    Take care,

