Monday, June 18, 2007

In my life today-

Bleeding Heart


Some chickens came to visit. They like to get the leftovers from our cat's feeding bowls...also, to scratch for bugs beneath the orange trees!
(They belong to our neighbors- the young couple who are renting our house.)

(click to enlarge photos )



  1. A healthy looking crew, looks like they have been finding plenty bugs. ec

  2. Now THAT'S the same kind of bleeding heart I have! Wow, the deep rich color of your photo tells all too! They are a gorgeous plant, that I can say.

    And the backyard company? So, so cool!!!

  3. Hi Anni,

    Yes! I think that Bleeding Heart plant is beautiful...even the deep green of the leaves is attractive! I just bought this plant this spring.

    :) I have always liked chickens and we had them for several years here. Looks like we got them again!! I don't mind them being around...unless they start messing with my roses!


  4. Hi ec,

    Yes- that is a fine, big, rooster!

    They are finding plenty to eat around here- including Cat Food!

  5. Beautiful bleeding heart June.

  6. Thanks, Peter,

    I only have had one of these before-and kept it as a hanging plant. It didn't last too long! This one is in the ground so am hoping it will do better.

    My picture, tho, is a little blurred!


  7. The bleeding heart is lovely! That is a colorful rooster you have too! We always had chickens when I was growing up. If I had the room for them I'd love to have some now, but we don't, so I enjoy looking at the pictures!!

  8. Hi Rachel,

    Yes- I love that Bleeding Heart! Hope I can keep it doing well.

    Well- that rooster isn't mine but it might as well be-as he spends a lot of time around here! :)


  9. That rooster probably helps with bugs doesn't he? He's a handsome one.
    Your bleeding heart is lovely. I don't grow that here.

  10. Oh, yes! The chickens eat a lot of bugs!

    A few years ago we had a LOT of chickens but haven't had any for a while now! These are not mine but seem to like it around here! Our house and the rental house are on a five acre plot-and it's all together- so the chickens have claimed tho whole place as their own! :)- I like to watch them!
