Friday, June 01, 2007

More Roses

Today I had to shop for groceries and I decided I'd check out the garden shop before I went in for the food. I had in mind a couple of potted plants for the front entrance area of our place.

OK- I got sidetracked when I saw the beautiful display of roses. And-to my way of thinking- there's always room for one more rose bush- or 5 more! They had these great looking roses on sale for $3.98! I couldn't believe the low price on these...lower than I have seen in a few years! I bought 2 of the pink ones-2 white ones and one of the yellow! Of the five I bought, only the white ones had name tags! They are John F. Kennedy! I have no idea what the pink and yellow ones are- but they are beautiful! ( so I won't worry about their names! ) ..."A rose, is a rose , is a rose!"

After selecting my roses (wanting more but reluctant to push the envelope any further) I stashed them in the trunk of my car and left the car parked where it was- nearer the garden shop entrance- and went on to buy my groceries.

As usual, I took my time shopping. I looked through the music but found nothing that really grabbed me. Wal-Mart is in a major remodeling/expansion right now...consequently, it takes a lot more time to find the items you want. I was in there for hours!

I realized as I was about to check out that the weather had changed since I entered the store - as all the new shoppers were rain soaked or carrying dripping umbrellas! I wouldn't complain about the rain, with us needing it so badly... however - I was pretty well soaked by the time I got my stuff loaded up - WAY back over by the garden shop. Not having room in the trunk (the roses) also complicated things and made the job go slower!

:) Just a day in the life! Made it home but have been pretty well 'done in' for the rest of the day!

For our dinner Charles made us 'Breakfast' of scrambled eggs, sausage patties and grits and biscuits! That worked!

Here are the new roses! Hope I can plant them soon!


Junie Rose


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!! I never stop admiring the wonderful plant!! Is hubby gonna help you plant them?

    Sorry to hear of your soaking, but hey---it's better than having to drive in a slick area covered with snow any ol' day!!!

    Happy weekend.

  2. Hi Anni,

    There's nothing more beautiful than roses! Yes, C. will help me plant these next week.

    Oh, I welcomed the rain because we really needed it! It's that tropical storm bringing us this rain, of course!

  3. Hi June ~~ Some more lovely roses. The pink is so delicate and the others look nice too. Bad luck to get wet, but the rain was needed I guess. Thanks for your comments about the ICE. thing. A few people have surprised me that they have ICE in their phones. I guess the emergency folks would know to look for it. Takr care, Love, Merle.

  4. Hi Junie, More beautiful Roses I just love them I have one simlar to your pale pink one its called Impression.I think i blogged it a few months ago, but i will blog it again next season. Sorry to hear your got a soaking.

  5. Hi Jan,

    I remember seeing that pink rose you posted! I DO wish I knew the name of this one- but there were no tags on them! :) I was just happy to get them at such a good price!

    This rose is a very delicate pink-and very full!

    We had quite a lot of rain during the night-which is a good thing! LOL- was just my bad luck to be caught out shopping when it started!


  6. Hi Junie:-) Wow, it's no wonder you couldn't resist buying these roses, not only are they gorgeous but the price was certainly right!! Oh dear, what a shame you got caught in the rain...don't feel bad, these things happen to me too! lol xoxo

  7. Hi Pea,

    Yes, a great price on those roses.

    It's rained most of the day today so won't get them planted before next week!

    Happy to have the rain, tho, eventhough I was caught out in it yesterday!

    Hope you're having a good day.


