Monday, June 11, 2007

Poem: The Words Said

The Words Said

The words said…sometimes so harsh and cruel.
They leave scars that never fully heal.

They crust over with a covering, superficial,
that only serves, from others, to conceal.

Still, the wound is there below the surface,
and subject to eruptions, evermore.

The careless deeds and hurtful words that’s spoken,
prevent the healing of this hidden sore.

Words flung out in anger are like daggers.
They pierce the soul and penetrate the heart.

Deflating any feelings of wellbeing.
Leaving loneliness that never will depart.

Still, we search for simple understanding…
make excuses - try to rationalize.

And every time the scab, again, is broken
it manages to take us by surprise.

June Kellum
Sept 2005


I have posted this poem before -probably more than once-but something I read at
Jeanette's blog today reminded me of this poem so thought I'd put it on again!
(Nail in the Fence is the story that reminded me of this)



  1. Wow love this poem! Thanks for sharing it...

  2. Nothing wrong with a re-run of a goodie June.

  3. To The Real Mother Hen,

    Thanks for reading.

    If you like to read poems you might like my poetry blog (on side bar) Also I have many more poems scattered throughout this blogsite.

    Junie Rose

  4. Thanks a lot, Peter.

